Geodaysit 2023

Mirko Mazzarolo


“Governance of Earth Observation Data - synergies at European level. The joint experiences of Nereus and the Veneto Region”
Carlo Masetto, Umberto Trivelloni, Roya Ayazi, Margarita Chrysaki, Mirko Mazzarolo, Federico Bastarolo, Roberta Santin, Silvano De Zorzi

NEREUS (Network of European Regions Using Space Technologies) is a European association representing the interests of European regions that use space technologies whilst simultaneously highlighting the regional dimension of European space policy and programmes. It is the key mission of NEREUS, as a unique thematic network for matters of regional Space Uses, to explore the benefits of space technologies for European Regions and their citizens as well as to promote the use of space and its applications.
Veneto Region is a NEREUS active member since 2008, having played an active role in promoting space technologies (GNSS and earth-observation) during the years.
As one of the historical members of NEREUS, Veneto Region suggested some actions to boost activities on Earth Observation. Following the inspiring principle “Bringing the benefits of space uses to European regions and their citizens”, the proposal was to launch in 2023 the Working Group on Earth observation, composed by of regional experts and space technologies. The main ojectives are: 1) spreading the knowledge of earth observation data and space technologies; 2) sharing experiences that can lead to the creation of mutual synergies for a better data-governance; 3) supporting local institutions, citizens and companies in the use of space technologies; 4) inspiring and easing positive policy responses to local institutions.
In this framework, Veneto Region recently finalized the application for the Interreg Europe project “SAT.SDI.F.A.CT.ION (SATellite data and Spatial Data InFrAstruCTures for an evidence-based regIONal governance). In the same project, NEREUS is the Advisory partner.
European Earth Observation System Copernicus contributes as a vital source of knowledge to improve territorial and environmental management, efficient use of natural resources and delivery of effective public policies and services to citizens. However, it is still not clear to which extent satellite data are used by local and regional administrations, specifically how much satellite data are integrated within regional Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI). Spatial Data Infrastructures, as defined by the INSPIRE directive, are to be considered as a framework of policies, institutional arrangements, technologies, data, and people that enable the sharing and effective usage of geographic information by standardizing formats and protocols for access and interoperability. The overall scope of the project is to promote the exchange and transfer of experiences related to the use of Satellite Data in local and regional Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI), leading to a better, evidence-based governance of the regional territory.
The integration of Satellite Data in local and regional SDIs (Spatial Data Infrastructures) is of strategic importance and with great potential to support government and decision making at sub-national level, providing unrivalled information in different fields of application. However, the uptake of existing satellite data and services is not being fully used, and their integration in added-value services for regional and local governments is far from optimal. The SATSDIFACTION project aims at working exactly around this issue, promoting the exchange and transfer of experiences related to the use of Satellite Data in local and regional Spatial Data Infrastructures as a mean to improve the performance of regional policy instruments, eventually leading to a better, evidence-based governance of the regional territory.

AIT Contribution
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