Following the established tradition, an Academic Track running over the days of the FOSS4G Europe (FOSS4GE) is organised. The Academic Track is organised by the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS), in particular the ISPRS Intercommission Working Group IV/III/II Openness in Geospatial Science and Remote Sensing". The Scientific Committee of FOSS4GE 2025 invites original research contributions addressing any topic or domain connected to free and open source geospatial software, including (but not limited to): open hardware, open source software development, open geospatial science, open geospatial data, (geo)spatial data sharing systems and big data analysis, GIS for real-time applications, disaster response and recovery, geospatial health informatics, open (geospatial) cloud computing and cybersecurity, open (geo)education, participatory mapping and crowdsourcing, Digital Twins, urban analytics, sustainable urban planning and development, GeoAI and geospatial Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models, Remote Sensing for water resources management, biodiversity and ecosystem services