FOSS4G Europe 2024 workshops

Getting started with GIT
07-01, 09:00–11:00 (Europe/Tallinn), Room 202

Ever wondered if you should start using GIT? Or ever pushed into using GIT by your colleagues? But never found the time or courage to figure out how it works?
This workshop will get you up and running with the basics of version control system GIT.

Getting started with GIT can be quite a challenge. This workshop will teach you the basics of the version control system and will cover all features that you regularly need when writing software in a team.

We will use Python's Turtle library to develop a fun script together using command line GIT and the github website. No worries if you don't know any Python, the coding will be very basic.

Raymond Nijssen is an open source GIS enthusiast and contributor and has been using GIT for over 10 years.

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Tudor Bărăscu is an open source enthusiast and QGIS contributor. He has been working in the GIS field for 15 years.

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