FOSS4G Europe 2024 workshops

Christian Hümmer

After receiving his M.Sc. degree in Computer Science from Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (Germany), Christian Hümmer has been working as a research associate in the university’s “Computer Vision” research group in various interdisciplinary research projects in the fields of image processing and machine learning, as well as satellite image quality assessment in collaboration with the German Aerospace center DLR. He joined the French Space Agency CNES in 2021, where he is currently working as an image processing engineer in the Earth Observation Lab, focusing on uncertainty-aware semantic segmentation for EO applications and multimodal change detection.


Multimodal (2D/3D) change detection for natural disaster response
David Youssefi, Dimitri Lallement, Christian Hümmer

This tutorial will highlight the capabilities of multimodal satellite imagery in addressing some of nowadays most impacting societal challenges using open source tools from CNES (French space agency).

Room 335