Matthias Kuhn
I am a Geographer and application developer by training.
I started to work on QGIS core over 10 years ago and created QField.
The mobile app QField has become an important tool for data collection in the field due to its user-friendly interface and seamless integration with QGIS.
In this workshop we will understand the practical usage of QField for structured data collection in the field such as images, measures or characteristics of objects or plants in the field and how to use the data collected for creating a report using the QGIS atlas function.
Practically speaking, in the first part of the workshop we will set up the QGIS project specifying all the necessary characteristics for the data collection.
We will explain how we usually set up a project to go in the field with a flexible, but quick-to-use data structure for collecting data QField.
We will then synchronize the data structure in QField via QFieldCloud, and understand how to use it for data collection.
Lastly we will synchronize the QField data back to QGIS and will create an organized atlas linked to a map for publishing or sharing!