FOSS4G Europe 2024 workshops

Astrid Emde

Astrid Emde is a Geospatial Expert and works in Bonn at WhereGroup since many years. She works as Senior GIS Consultant on WebGIS solutions with FOSSGIS. Astrid Emde is an active member of OSGeo and a Charter Member since 2010. From 2017-2021 she was in the OSGeo Board of Directors and is OSGeo Secretary. She recieved the Sol Katz Award in 2018 at FOSS4G 2018 in Dar es Salaam (Tanzania).


Setting up a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) with Open Source Software using OSGeoLive
Astrid Emde, Enock Seth Nyamador

This workshop provides a practical, overview of key software used within a Spatial Data Infrastructure SDI.

In the workshop we will use OSGeoLive and the Open Source software and sample data shipped with it to get to know the components of an SDI.

Room 327
Manage your geospatial data with PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Astrid Emde, Enock Seth Nyamador

PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system. It can be extended with PostGIS which allows you to store and handle geospatial data in the database.
This combination is very powerful and provides many possibilities.

Room 327
Learn how to create Web Applications with Mapbender
Astrid Emde

Mapbender is a great open source solutions for creating intuitive and high-performance WebGIS applications. Mapbender offers a set of tools that you can combine.
This software solution enables users to quickly and easily publish applications online without having to write a single line of code.

Room 202