FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul

Building a Robust Open Source Geospatial Database Solution using PostgreSQL and its Ecosystem
11-29, 13:30–13:50 (Asia/Seoul), Taepyeong Hall

Working with data has many challenges on it’s own and when you add a geospatial factor into makes it even harder. In my belief data never lives in isolation, it always exists in relation to something (sorry NoSQL) and PostgreSQL provides a great starting point as our not just geospatial database but database for everything.

In this talk we’ll talk briefly about long history of postgres and how it’s ecosystem can help you build a database for all your needs. In particular we’ll look at extensions like:

  • PostGIS (obviously)
  • pg_raster (for handling rasters)
  • timescaleDB (for handling time series data)
  • uber h3 (h3 indexing for your geospatial data)
  • ogr_fdw (OGR FDW allows you to connect to any OGR supported data source.)
  • pg_eventserv, pg_cron, pg_ivm and many more will be referenced

Moreover we’ll look at how you can combine some extensions like (postgis[spatial] + timescaleDB[temporal]) to create something that fits your use case.

Now we have designed our database but it’s time to deploy it on the cloud, let’s look at available solutions which includes from self-managed to service based and everything in between.

  • Managed services like - AWS RDS. Aurora, CrunchyData, EDB, Timescale
  • Deploying your own using Linux Instances
  • Deploying on K8s clusters using postgres operators

We’ll use OSM data as our sample datasets plus more as needed.