11-30, 17:50–18:00 (Asia/Seoul), SSM1 13th Fl.
FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Business to Business Talk
FOSS4G-Asia 2023 Seoul LOC
- [DT] Spatial Digital Twins – the Australian experience by Ana Belgun(CSIRO Data61)
- [DT] The Frontier of Digital Twin in KOREA by Sijung Kim(Korea Government)
- [DT] The Urban Digital Twin “Project PLATEAU” by Yuri TSUBAKI(Japan Government)
- [DT] Digital Twin Collaborating with Citizens, S-Map by KiSung Song(Seoul Metropolitan Government)
- [DT] LH Urban Digital Twin(Digital Twin for Urban planning) by Hyocheol Park(LH Corp.)
- [DT] Digital Twin in Support of Peace – Experience from the UN by Diego Gonzalez Ferreiro(UN Global Service Centre)
- OSM & OSGeo Mapping Party
- [B2B] - Applied Technologies
- [B2B] - Protomaps LLC
- [B2B] - Stadia Maps
- [B2B] - Aereo
- [B2B] - Francis Gasgonia
- [B2B] - MIERUNE Inc
- [B2B] - Sandeep Mehta(Parul University)
- [B2B] - InnoPAM
- [B2B] - TomTom
- [B2B] - SIIS
- [B2B] - MapTiler
- [UN] - Overview on UN Open GIS Initiative by Kyoung-Soo Eom
- [UN] - UN Maps by Diego Gonzalez Ferreiro
- [UN] - Open Source Software Operation in GSI Japan by Soichiro Takesaki
- [UN] - Hybrid GIS Platform by Timur Obukhov
- [UN] - Open Geo-AI for UN by Maria A. Brovelli
- [UN] - OpenDroneMap and 3D for UN by Stephan Mather
- [UN] - UN Smart Maps by Hidenori Fujimura
- [UN] - What Next for UN Open GIS Initiative? by Ki-Joune Li
- [B2B] - i-bitz Company Limited
- [UN] - Opening & Welcoming