Earth-Search: A STAC API of Open datasets on AWS
12-05, 11:45–12:15 (America/Belem), Room II

Earth-Search is a publicly-accessible SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) index and API providing data discovery and access for several major geospatial data collections as part of the AWS Registry of Open Data (RODA), including Sentinel-1, Sentinel-2, Landsat Collection 2, and NAIP imagery. Items are backed by data assets accessible in cloud-native formats such as Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (COG).

This talk will provide an overview of the Earth-Search STAC catalog, how to search it to discover items, and how best to access the backing data assets. We'll look at recent changes to catalog and discuss the progress and challenges of the Sentinel-2 reprocessing/reindexing effort. We'll also briefly discuss the architecture of the data orchestration pipeline and what open source tooling underlies its operation.

See also: Slides (8.7 MB)

Jarrett Keifer is a Senior Software Engineer at Element 84 with an interest in spatial analysis, image processing, and network programming. He enjoys designing systems to operate at scale, particularly to support remote sensing data processing and earth science applications, and has ten years of experience contributing to open source projects.

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