Wagtail CMS + pygeoapi = Modern SDI for the current needs
12-06, 12:30–13:00 (America/Belem), Room I

The current state of the art of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) is limited to solutions that are already becoming stagnant in terms of their approach and technology.

Today, we need more robust and modern SDIs, beyond the logic of flat data tables with a spatial component, with data access that is either all open or all closed, lacking granularity.
Wagtail is originally used as a content management system, I propose a modern SDI where data management can be granular, with access roles and version control.

Thanks to the pygeoapi library, this application also allows the publication of modern REST web services, according to OGC API specifications.

The premise of this proposal is to have a platform with extensive features, but also with current and modern standards, and as simple as possible, without the need to integrate multiple platforms and synchronization agents, etc.

Basically, this is a simple Django, but enhanced for the management and publication of spatial data with a modern and scalable approach.

Wagtail is well known for content management but its use for spatial data management has not been explored until now. On the other hand, pygeoapi is an agnostic library but primarily intended only for publication, not for data management, even less for data that changes day by day.

For ending this proposal precisely resolves both the granular and versioned management of spatial data as well as their publication according to the new OGC (OGC API) standards.

See also:

Entusiasta del software libre. Egresado de Tecnologías para la información en ciencias de la tierra por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Con 24 años de experiencia profesional. Ha trabajado en la IP en servicios de telecomunicaciones e internet, así como en diversos proyectos de investigación dentro de algunos institutos de la UNAM en contextos de análisis y ordenamiento territorial. Desarrolló la componente espacial del proyecto “Visor Urbano Jalisco”. Actualmente es Director de Gobierno Digital en el Gobierno del Municipio de Monterrey.