Community Standards and Satellite Tasking
12-04, 16:45–17:15 (America/Belem), Room II

Community standards are specifications that are created through informal organization and are then widely adopted by a larger group. The STAC specification and Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFFs are examples of community specifications that have become de facto standards for geospatial interoperability. This talk will examine how the process of developing community standards differs from traditional standards development and how to drive adoption. Numerous examples of successful community standards will be presented.

In addition, we will provide a case study of a current effort - that of STAPI - a specification for satellite tasking, or more specifically, an API for how users can order data from the future from satellite platforms. We have been spearheading an effort to develop such a specification and after two sprints we presented at the last FOSS4G in Kosovo. This prompted a third sprint in Europe, bringing together an even larger community. Working with government groups, commercial satellite operators, and data integrators, these sprints have worked toward developing a specification as well as implementations for several commercial providers, as well as ordering APIs for public datasets.

This talk will dive into what worked for STAC and other community standards and how we are taking those lessons to develop a standardized way for collecting future geospatial data.

See also: Slides (5.6 MB)

Matt Hanson is the Director of Aerospace at Element 84, a commercial geospatial consultancy that utilizes open-source to build solutions. With an education in Remote Sensing at the Rochester Institute of Technology, he has been working with geospatial data for over 25 years. As an author and contributor to multiple open-source projects (starting with GeoNode in 2012), he has gone on to help create open standards, like STAC, as well as the open-source ecosystem around data interoperability.
A frequent speaker at geospatial conferences, this will be Matt's 10th international FOSS4G conference.

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Jarrett Keifer is a Senior Software Engineer at Element 84 with an interest in spatial analysis, image processing, and network programming. He enjoys designing systems to operate at scale, particularly to support remote sensing data processing and earth science applications, and has ten years of experience contributing to open source projects.

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