12-06, 10:45–11:15 (America/Belem), Room I
pygeometa provides a lightweight and Pythonic approach for users to easily create geospatial metadata in standards-based formats using simple configuration files (affectionately called metadata control files [MCF]). Leveraging the simple but powerful YAML format, pygeometa can generate metadata in numerous standards. Users can also create their own custom metadata formats which can be plugged into pygeometa for custom metadata format output.
For developers, pygeometa provides a Pythonic API that allows developers to tightly couple metadata generation within their systems and integrate nicely into metadata production pipelines.
The project supports various metadata formats out of the box including ISO 19115, the WMO Core Metadata Profile, and the WIGOS Metadata Standard.
pygeometa has minimal dependencies (install is less than 50 kB), and provides a flexible extension mechanism leveraging the Jinja2 templating system.
This presentation will provide an update on recent enhancements, use in high profile projects as well as future plans and roadmap.
Tom Kralidis is with the Meteorological Service of Canada and a longtime contributor to FOSS4G and open standards. He is the creator of pygeoapi, pycsw, and numerous projects in the geospatial Python ecosystem. Tom is a lead architect of the WMO Information System (WIS2), and chairs the WMO Task Team on Open Source as well as the WMO Expert Team on Metadata Standards. He also chairs the OGC Pub/Sub Standards working group and co-chairs the OGC API - Records Standards Working Group.
Tom is passionate about location, open software, standards and data, and currently serves on the OSGeo Board of Directors.