Shortbread - the new OpenStreetMap vector tile schema
12-04, 16:15–16:45 (America/Belem), Room IV

Shortbread is an open schema for OSM vector tiles. It is intended to be a basic, lean, general-purpose vector tile schema for OpenStreetMap data.

For creating and extending OSM vector tiles, workflows using Tilemaker, Planetiler and osm2pgsql Themepark are compared.

Since vector tiles are styled in the browser, the styling can be changed at runtime. This talk shows the tooling for customizing styles, but also goes into extending vector tile content with additional data for special interests.

See also: Slides

Pirmin is a geospatial software developer since more than 20 years and has contributed to several Open Source projects. Pirmin is co-founder of Sourcepole, a Swiss company providing GIS services and solutions.

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