Cainã Kimerling Campos
Forest Engineer from Lavras Federal University with 6+ years developing with OSS, created tools and systems for big vector/raster data maps on the web.
Linux, Python, Postgres and QGIS are my main tool set to get the job done.
How do you show a big Vector dataset on a map on the web? Not showing it at all! Just show small parts at once with a little help from open source geospatial tech.
While image basemap tiles and pyramids system is well know, Vector Tile Layers and API's still among the bleeding edge technologies that allows to show big vector datasets on the web efficiently. On this talk we will discuss how to move from a slow to a fast vector map rendering on the web.
Last but not least: a word on how to run it at home with spare parts you might have helping you go online while avoid high cloud computing costs.