Rafael Ronconi Bezerra

Engenheiro Sanitarista e Ambiental, mestre em Gestão e Regulação de Recursos Hídricos, ambos pela UNIR, especialista em Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho, pós-graduando em Geoprocessamento pela UFABC. Com experiência em Projetos de Combate a Incêndios, Licenciamento Ambiental e Geoprocessamento.


GeoPortal PMPV
Fernanda Ferreira Alves, Rafael Ronconi Bezerra, Ácquila Blanche Bastos Martins da Silva, Raísa Tavares Thomaz

GeoPortal PMPV is a WebGIS platform developed by the Department of Geoprocessing – GEO of the Municipal Secretariat of Planning, Budget and Management – ​​SEMPOG of the City of Porto Velho, which aims to access, consult, analyze and disseminate geographic data from the Municipality of Porto Velho, based on the Municipal Urban and Territorial Information System – SMIUT of Article 45, of Complementary Law Nº 838, of February 4, 2021, which addresses the Participatory Master Plan of Porto Velho.
“Article 45 – The Municipal System of Urban and Territorial Information will be established using a georeferenced digital cartographic base of the Municipality, progressively integrating the various databases of the City Hall to create the Municipal Multifunctional Technical Registry, which will be used for planning and management by all sectors of the Administration and as a tool for transparency of municipal information.” (LEI COMPLEMENTAR Nº 838, 2021, p. 20).
The GeoPortal holds relevance and significance grounded in socioeconomic, technical, and professional aspects. It contributes to the dissemination of municipal information for various uses, ranging from the general public to academics and professionals in different fields. This platform offers several functionalities, including: geoservices such as Web Map Service – WMS and Web Feature Service – WFS, and access to 53 geospatial layers accompanied by their respective metadata. Additionally, the GeoPortal offers compendium services that cover the geographic boundaries, historical context, and laws regarding the creation and modification of the 13 districts and the main administrative area that make up the municipality of Porto Velho, as well as the 72 neighborhoods within the municipal seat.
In this way, the PMPV GeoPortal provides easy access to georeferenced information for the municipality of Porto Velho, covering data on drainage, neighborhoods, schools, health units, among others. This platform promotes data transparency for the population, encouraging citizen participation in the municipality's planning and management projects. This not only increases the transparency of government actions, but also strengthens the relationship between public administration and citizens, creating a collaborative environment for building a more inclusive and sustainable city. Furthermore, the public availability of this information allows municipal planners and managers to make more assertive and updated decisions about territorial space, both urban and rural, promoting more effective development.
These functionalities were developed using a relational database management system, created through an open-source project, namely PostgreSQL with the PostGIS extension, along with the use of Geoserver software to develop web mapping solutions and make them available on the GeoPortal.
Among the main features of GeoPortal PMPV are WMS and WFS geoservices. WMS offers the visualization of dynamic maps on the web, providing fast and efficient access to several layers of geospatial data, which facilitates interactive spatial analysis and visualization of information in real time. In turn, WFS facilitates the querying and extraction of vector geospatial data, allowing users to perform detailed analyzes and integrate this data with other information systems. In this way, promoting more integrated and precise territorial management.
With 53 layers available, the GeoPortal PMPV is configured as an environment rich in information from different areas, including urban and territorial data, urban zoning, mobility, environment, public services, among others. Each layer includes detailed metadata, ensuring data quality and reliability. This information is essential for users who need to understand the origin, accuracy and timeliness of data for their analysis. Thus, GeoPortal PMPV is consolidated as a fundamental tool for planning and management of the municipality of Porto Velho, promoting efficiency and transparency in public administration.
From this perspective, all technological resources used by the public administration of Porto Velho were open source, in order to guarantee rapid implementation, eliminating bidding processes, and development of advanced functionalities, when comparing the current status of the city hall with other Geoportals of units already renowned for their environments for providing geographic data.
Benefits Summary
GeoPortal PMPV provides numerous benefits for the urban management of Porto Velho, including:
Access to updated and accurate geospatial information, essential for effective urban management;
Support for strategic decision-making based on reliable data, promoting sustainable urban development;
Transparency in government actions by making data available to the public, encouraging citizen participation in management processes;
Ease of collecting and analyzing data for research and projects, benefiting researchers, students and companies.
Integration of different information systems, allowing a more holistic and coordinated approach to territorial management.
These advantages consolidate GeoPortal PMPV as an indispensable tool for the planning and administration of Porto Velho, promoting more efficient and inclusive management.
Future perspectives
GeoPortal PMPV plans future updates and improvements to the platform, aiming to expand its functionalities and integrate with other smart city initiatives. Future prospects include:
Continuous updates of geospatial data to keep the platform always up to date and relevant;
Development of new functionalities that meet the emerging needs of users and municipal management;
Integration with other smart city technologies and platforms, promoting even more integrated and efficient urban management;
Expanding access and use of the platform to a wider audience, encouraging the participation of more citizens and institutions in the use of geospatial information.

Transition to FOSS4G
Room I