Ácquila Blanche Bastos Martins da Silva

Bacharela em Engenharia Civil pela Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia - UNIR. Gerente da Divisão de Análise e Tratamento de Dados, na Secretaria de Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, da Prefeitura de Porto Velho. Atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: engenharia, geoprocessamento, sustentabilidade e meio ambiente.

  • GeoPortal PMPV
Adele Birkenes

Adele Birkenes is a Geospatial Analyst with the US Agency for International Development (USAID) GeoCenter. She supports the management of the USAID-funded YouthMappers program and provides GIS technical assistance to USAID Missions and Bureaus. She is currently pursuing an MS in Geography & Environment and a GIS Certificate at The George Washington University. Prior to joining USAID, Adele worked as Vassar College’s first Community Geographer and founded Vassar's YouthMappers chapter, Hudson Valley Mappers.

  • Mapping Locally, Globally: A YouthMappers Perspective on Open Mapping
Adeline Marinho Maciel

Adeline Marinho Maciel é graduada em Ciência da Computação (2010) pela Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte - UERN e mestre em Ciência da Computação (2012) pela Universidade do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte em Associação Ampla com a Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido - UERN/UFERSA. Doutora em Computação Aplicada (2017) pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE. Atualmente é professora Adjunta A da Universidade Federal Rural do Semi-Árido - UFERSA, e pesquisadora na Fundação para o Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico em Saúde - FIOTEC no projeto HARMONIZE (Harmonização de Dados de Saúde Multiescalares Espaço-Temporais em Áreas Sujeitas a Mudanças Climáticas). A atual linha de pesquisa e interesses incluem geoprocessamento, análise espaço-temporal para aplicações de dados de Observação da Terra e bancos de dados geográficos.

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project
Alex Leith

Alex is an open geospatial technologist with extensive expertise in software development, cloud infrastructure, and program governance. Throughout his career, Alex's focus has been on making data more easily accessible. By enabling simpler access to data, he believes we can drive positive change and continue to develop sustainably.

  • What is Digital Earth Pacific
Alexandre Assuncao

Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), with part of my undergraduate studies done in the United States at Wayne State University. I am a Data Science specialist from PUC-Minas and hold a master's degree in Sanitation, Environment, and Water Resources from UFMG. Since 2016, I have been working in the environmental field, with a focus on GIS, remote sensing, and programming.

I work on developing customized solutions for clients in the private and public sectors, actively engaging with key stakeholders and supervising teams to ensure quality and meet expectations.

I have extensive experience in Python and integrating it with Geographic Information System (GIS) software using PyQGIS, Arcpy, and Google Earth Engine API libraries. I am proficient in using QGIS, ArcGIS, and Google Earth Pro software. Additionally, I have knowledge in database management (PostgreSQL) and web development (HTML, CSS, Geoserver, Django, Flask, Requests, WFS, and WMS services).

  • Streamlining GIS Workflows: Developing a Collaborative QGIS Plugin Repository
Alexandre de Amorim Teixeira

🌎Experienced GIS Specialist who uses innovative and advanced geospatial technologies to teach and assist in decision-making.
🏞️GIS Specialist at the National Water and Sanitation Agency of Brazil (ANA).
🎓Spatial Database Systems Volunteer Instructor at the post-graduate program of the Geoscience Institute of the University of Brasilia.
💻Founder and core developer of the PgHydro extension to PostgreSQL/PostGIS (www.pghydro.org).

  • State of PgHydro - Hydrographic Extension for PostgreSQL/PostGIS
Alma Rangel

Alma Rangel is the executive director of Codeando México, an open community-based organization that collaborates with people (technologists, activists, journalists, public officers) who are interested in using technology as a strategic tool in solving public problems. She has coordinated +30 projects of civic tech and open data with NGOs and governments.

  • Bridging the gap: How to help communities leverage open-source tools for crowdmapping?
Ana Beatriz de Figueiredo Oliveira

Data scientist with over five years of experience in geospatial analysis, finance, marketing, and software development industry. Academic background in Architecture and Urbanism, with a PhD in Architecture and Urbanism, a Master's in Civil Engineering, and a Master's in Data Science, the latter with research focused on Deep Learning classification models applied to urban environment metrics, using satellite and street view images.

  • Enhancing Geospatial Data Processing with Python: A Case Study using IBGE data

Geógrafa pela Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais.
Analista de Sistema da Informação Geográfica pela Tetra Tech SAO.
Profissional com cinco anos de experiência na área de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), geoprocessamento e análise ambiental.

  • Streamlining GIS Workflows: Developing a Collaborative QGIS Plugin Repository
Ana Claudia Rorato Vitor

Licenciada e Bacharel em Ciências Biológicas (2010) e Mestre em Ecologia e Conservação
(2013) pela Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR. Doutora em Ciência do Sistema
Terrestre pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais - INPE (2021), desenvolveu uma
avaliação da vulnerabilidade ambiental das Terras Indígenas na Amazônia. Atualmente
trabalha como pesquisadora de pós-doutorado no projeto HARMONIZE (Fiocruz/INPE/
Barcelona Supercomputing Center). É pesquisadora colaboradora no Laboratório de
investigações em Sistemas Socioambientais (LiSS) do INPE.

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project
Anders Dahlgren

With 30 years of experience in the Geographic Information sector, I specialize in geographic analysis and the development of geographic analysis tools. Currently, I serve as a project manager for the Pinpoint Sweden platform.

  • Swedish National Regional analysis - a general applikation for Community planning.
Andreas Hocevar

Andreas is an accomplished open source developer. Not only as a small business owner, but also out of personal interest, he is an active committer for projects like OpenLayers, Proj4js and ol-mapbox-style. He has been working in geospatial for more than 25 years, and is a frequent teacher and speaker.

  • OpenLayers Feature Frenzy
Andrés Esteban Duhour
  • osmlanduseR: An R package for the analysis of landuse data contributed to OpenStreetMap
Anthonia Onyeahialam

Senior Research Associate, University of Bristol, UK

  • Free and Open source GIS architecture for low cost inventory mapping of urban water supply network
Anton Vasyliev

Anton Vasyliev is an experienced Information Management Officer currently working with the Pacific Regional Office of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR). With over 8 years of expertise in geospatial information management and applied analytics, Anton has made significant contributions to humanitarian and human rights efforts in the Pacific, Middle East, and Ukraine.

  • Applying a Human Rights-Based Approach to Open-Source Geospatial and Remote Sensing Data: Enhancing Inclusivity and Accountability in Sustainable Development
Antonio Cerciello

I’m a GIS developer and data analyst. I’m passionate about open source, data visualization and knowledge sharing. I love when technologies break down barriers.
In my career, I explored domains like e-government, fintech, GIS, and e-learning.
I’m a freelancer, and I work with Byte Road and Geobeyond.
In the past, I contributed mostly to GeoNetwork, but recently I widened my interest to more projects. I’m interested in the evolution of OGC API standards and how they can improve our dear projects.

  • Adding GeoParquet to a Spatial Data Infrastructure: What, Why and How
Ariel Anthieni

My biography https://www.osgeo.org/member/anthieni/

  • Cartografía 4.0: Gemelos Digitales Urbanos
  • GeoNode Cloud: Your Geospatial Data in the Cloud
Beatriz Gonçalves

Beatriz é urbanista e arquiteta formada pela Universidade de São Paulo (FAU-USP, 2022). Atualmente, é Analista de Urbanismo no Instituto Cordial e atua diretamente com análise e pesquisa em mobilidade urbana. Suas principais experiências são relacionadas à área de análise de dados e geoprocessamento, a fim de orientar a coleta, processamento, análise e visualização dos dados e apoiar na elaboração análises territoriais relacionadas ao contexto urbano e a mobilidade. Atuou como pesquisadora do projeto Índice de Dados Abertos para Cidades pela Open Knowledge Brasil, contribuindo com as temáticas de Mobilidade Urbana e Habitação. Ao longo de sua experiência profissional, já participou de projetos relacionados a intervenções no desenho urbano, mobilidade ativa, elaboração de políticas de mobilidade e projeto urbano.

  • Leveraging Geospatial Street Data for Effective Urban Mobility Policies: A Comprehensive Methodology for Road Safety Analysis in Brazilian Cities Through Geoprocessing
Benjamin Webb

Ben Webb is a software developer with the Internet of Water (IoW) project at the Lincoln Institute’s Center for Geospatial Solutions. Ben is working to develop core CGS and IoW software for water data management exchange to support state and federal agencies, as well as nonprofit organizations, addressing key climate resilience, conservation, and water management outcomes. Most recently, Ben has been helping develop the second version of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Information System, wis2box, with a focus on reducing the technology barriers for UN member states to share data about weather, climate, and water. A graduate of Colby College with a B.A. in computational biology, he is used to seeking answers to complicated questions by developing software and common data standards.

  • Unifying Standards for Water Data Exchange: Leveraging OGC API - EDR and pygeoapi
Bridget Fleming

Bridget Fleming is a passionate advocate for using Open Geotechnologies
in the classroom. She holds a MSc from Wits
University and has taught secondary school Geography
mostly in the private sector for the last thirty years. She is the
exiting IEB Geography National Examination Moderator and
the founder of the Southern African Geography Teachers’
Association (SAGTA). She has authored a number of textbooks
and digital classroom resources. She left the classroom (HOD
Geography St John’s College) to start ThinkTeacher (TT), an
organisation to support, care and arrange benefits for
teachers. TT has been a dream
and a passion of hers for a number of years and she is
currently gathering her team of change-agents to grow human capital. She is also
involved in GIS training for Kartoza and lectures PGCE Geography students GIS at the
University of Pretoria.

  • The Geospatial Data Science Certificate for High School students that uses FOSS4G tools and Project Based Learning (PBL) techniques to solve spatial problems
Cainã Kimerling Campos

Forest Engineer from Lavras Federal University with 6+ years developing with OSS, created tools and systems for big vector/raster data maps on the web.
Linux, Python, Postgres and QGIS are my main tool set to get the job done.

  • Open source tech for fast vector webmaps: Brazilian farms use case
Camile Sothe

Camile Sothe is a Data Scientist at Planet Labs, specializing in leveraging multisource satellite data and machine learning techniques to map forest attributes. She holds a PhD in Remote Sensing from the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE), as well as both a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Forest Engineering from Santa Catarina State University (UDESC). Camile also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at McMaster University in Canada, where she led the project “Carbon Storage and Distribution in Terrestrial Ecosystems of Canada” and collaborated closely with Indigenous communities and WWF-Canada. With a strong academic background and extensive technical expertise, Camile is passionate about using technology to advance environmental conservation and is dedicated to enhancing our understanding of forest ecosystems to support sustainable management practices.

  • Forest Carbon Monitoring: A New Era of Real-Time Insights for Collaborative Forest Protection
Carlos Eduardo Cagna
  • Use of Open-Source Software in Census Cartography Production - IBGE's Case
Carlos Eduardo Mota

Geoscience Researcher, Geologist PhD, Head od Data Science Group of the Geoscientific Infrastructuture Directorship of Geological Survey of Brazil. 15 years of experience in Python and several FOSS4G tools (MapServer, Geoserver, PostGIS, GeoNode)

  • The Digital Module of the IS_Agro Project: Using the medallion architecture as a basis for automating pipeline execution routines in Apache Airflow
  • Deploying GeoNode in Production: Lessons from Brazilian Government Agencies
  • OpenGeoSGB: State of the art of Transition to an Open Source, semi-automated, FAIR-ready Geological Spatial Data Infrastructure of the Geological Survey of Brazil
Carmen Díez

I'm Degree in Civil Engineering and Master in Environmental Engineering and Management of Water. Actually I work in Regional Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning in Madrid Government, using GIS in urban planning.
I’m an enthusiastic and committed to Geographic Information Systems and to promoting the use and development of FOSS4G through their several communities. In addition to my participation in OSGEO, I belong, as an active member of the boards, to several communities related to GIS (Geoinquietos Madrid, Geochicas, QGIS Spain Association) and I attempt to contribute to the use of free GIS and creation of Open Databases, as well as participation in humanitarian mapping events.

  • Geochicas. Building communities of geofeminism.
Céline Jacquin

Céline Jacquin is a geographer from the Sorbonne and an urban planner from the University Paris-Est (France). She has been involved in research and development of urban projects on housing, daily mobility, open government, with a gender perspective and promoting voluntary geographic information. She led research strategies, governance, data analysis for decision-making, evaluation, citizen empowerment from different institutions such as the World Resource Institute, the National Council of Science and Technology and the National Institute of Statistics and Geography of Mexico, and in parallel as a data activist through OpenStreetMap, Geochicas and other volunteer communities. She is currently Senior Manager at the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team for Latin America.

  • Humanitarian response through collaborative data and Opensource tools in Rio Grande Do Sul
  • Using Openstreetmap and its technological ecosystem for integrated and community-based territorial management: the Amazon Mappings
  • From the collaborative to the common good : a journey towards open mapping
  • Geochicas. Building communities of geofeminism.
César Benjamin García Martinez

Entusiasta del software libre. Egresado de Tecnologías para la información en ciencias de la tierra por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Con 24 años de experiencia profesional. Ha trabajado en la IP en servicios de telecomunicaciones e internet, así como en diversos proyectos de investigación dentro de algunos institutos de la UNAM en contextos de análisis y ordenamiento territorial. Desarrolló la componente espacial del proyecto “Visor Urbano Jalisco”. Actualmente es Director de Gobierno Digital en el Gobierno del Municipio de Monterrey.

  • Wagtail CMS + pygeoapi = Modern SDI for the current needs
Claudia Dragoste

With 20 years of experience in the water sector as a GIS Project Manager, I am currently serving at the public water company Aigües de Manresa in Spain. Working with open-source technologies has unveiled a world where people enthusiastically share their ideas, inspiring me to continue pursuing this collaborative and innovative direction in my career.

  • Advanced Integration of Hydraulic Models for Water and Wastewater Networks using Giswater with Epanet-SWMM and QWC2 Web Client
Codrina Ilie

Codrina Ilie is a technical geographer, an open source GIS/RS power user, actively working as a project officer to support geospatial data services development at Terrasigna. In her 12 years of activity, Codrina has essentially focused on using open source GIS and RS solutions for data management, processing and visualization.
As an advocate for free and open source software for geospatial, since 2010 she has been a volunteer trainer in the Romanian geospatial community, geo-spatial.org. Since 2013, Codrina has been a Charter Member and today serves the community as an OSGeo Board of Directors member, within her third term.

  • OSGeo and OGC MoU in full swing!
Daniel Araújo Miranda

Daniel Araújo Miranda, a Federal Criminal Expert in Computer Science since 2006, specializes in geospatial information management at Brazil's National Institute of Criminalistics. He manages the Federal Police's Inteligeo System, focusing on development, inter-agency cooperation, photogrammetry, and procurement. With degrees in Computer Engineering (ITA) and Mechatronic Systems (UnB), Daniel has been an active FOSS4G community member since 2010, attending multiple conferences and presenting at events in Bucharest, Portland, and Denver.

  • It's not broken... but fix it anyway. Customizing FOSS4G Tools for Government: The Inteligeo Case Study
  • Deploying GeoNode in Production: Lessons from Brazilian Government Agencies
  • Scaling FOSS4G for National Environmental Monitoring: Inteligeo and Brasil MAIS
Dara Carney-Nedelman

Assistant Director, Nationally Competitive and Experiential Learning Scholarships
Appalachian State University

Dara has been involved in mapping and using open geospatial tools since high school. Professionally, she worked for YouthMappers as their communications specialist from 2020-2022. She continued her support of YouthMappers when she moved to Laos as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant. At Savannakhet University she helped to found the first Lao YouthMappers chapter.

Co-Author of The Ecosystem Where YouthMappers Live and Thrive: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-05182-1_29

  • Mapping Locally, Globally: A YouthMappers Perspective on Open Mapping
Deepak Pradhan

I am a passionate FullStack Developer with a focus on most of frontend side with data visualization, UI/UX, and geospatial mapping. Proficient in charting libraries like D3.js, Chart.js, and Recharts, I integrate them with mapping tools such as OpenLayers and Maplibre. I create interactive and efficient data-driven applications. Eager to contribute to impactful projects that empower users with valuable insights from complex datasets.

  • Geo-Data Analytics and Technology Industry: Current trends, challenges, and opportunities
Derek Young

Derek Young (he/him) is a research ecologist at the University of California, Davis. Derek's work focuses on forest ecology and fire ecology, with an additional emphasis on development of rapid forest inventory methods using new technology. Underlying Derek’s work is the aim to use ecological data to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of forest management in a changing world.

  • Open Forest Observatory: Open-source drone-based forest mapping tools and data for ecologists
Diego Moreira Carvalho

With over ten years of experience in spatial data science, I am distinguished by my analytical ability and skill in integrating and transforming complex data into practical solutions that support public policies and projects with social and environmental impact. As a founding partner of Khartes, a consulting company specializing in Data Science and Geoinformation, I have led the implementation of innovative cloud-based solutions, developing alert systems, dashboards, reports, and interactive maps for effective data management.

  • Wildfire Surveillance and Tracking in Protected Areas of Pará: A Serverless Solution with Open Data and Software
Dra. Ranieli dos Anjos de Souza

Biologist, Master in Geography from the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR) in the area of ​​Physical Environment and Sustainable Development. PhD in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research (INPE). She is currently EBTT professor of Geoprocessing at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology (IFRO) and Deputy Leader of the Space Research Group (GREES/IFRO). Coordinator of the Environmental Management Course (Undergraduate) and the Lato Sensu Postgraduate Course in Geoprocessing. CAR Coordinator at the GeoRondônia Project (INCRA/IFRO)

  • FOSS Applications in the Amazon through the GeoRondônia Project with the GeoINCRA Plugin in QGIS
Edoardo Neerhut

Edoardo is a Program Manager at Meta leading community initiatives for their mapping team. In doing so he works with Mapillary for street-level imagery collection, Rapid for AI-assisted map editing, and more recently Overture, a multi-company collaboration to create open map data.

  • Mapillary 2.0 - How street-level imagery helps us understand the world
Emilio Mariscal

Emilio (Emi) has 20+ years of experience working on software design & development. He is currently serving as Senior Technical Product Owner @ HOT.

He worked in the private sector for a long time, designing and coding user interfaces and then software for the health care industry. He also worked with geospatial data, body movement analysis using AI tools, and both creating and implementing free software tools.

Emi is a volunteer firefighter in a rural town in Argentina, where he works mostly on wildfires, forest protection, wildland rescue and mapping.

Languages: Spanish, English, JavaScript, Python, C++.

  • End To End Tech for Humanitarian Response and Disaster Relief
  • State of fAIr: Free and Open Source AI-assisted Mapping for Humanitarian
Evandro Carrijo Taquary

Atua como cientista de dados na Visiona Tecnologia Espacial, viabilizando soluções que usam Inteligência Artificial com dados de Sensoriamento Remoto em sistemas de produção. Mestre e bacharel em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Goiás (UFG), atualmente cursa doutorado em Sensoriamento Remoto no Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (Inpe). Foi consultor em Inteligência Artificial do FIP Cerrado no Inpe, onde desenvolveu pesquisa baseada em Deep Learning para qualificar e detectar a remoção da cobertura natural do bioma Cerrado. Como pesquisador bolsista, promoveu, entre 2018 e 2019, pesquisa de Inteligência Artificial aplicada ao Sensoriamento Remoto no Laboratório de Processamento de Imagens e Geoprocessamento (Lapig/UFG) no âmbito dos projetos de P&D NextGenMap e MapBiomas. Também em 2018, foi selecionado no programa Google Summer of Code para participar, sob mentoria da EsipFed/NASA, do desenvolvimento de método que faz uso de Deep Learning integrado a um pacote Python mantido pelo laboratório JPL da NASA. Entre
2016 e 2019 foi membro do grupo de pesquisa Computação de Alto Desempenho e Aplicações do Instituto de Informática da UFG e, atualmente, integra o grupo de pesquisa TREES (Tropical Ecosystems and Environmental Sciences lab), sediando no INPE. Já ministrou cursos de capacitação voltados para profissionais de Ciência/Engenharia de Dados e Big Data. Acumula experiência com as tecnologias Python, CUDA, C, C++, R, PHP, Keras, TensorFlow, GDAL, Quantum GIS, Apache Airflow, Apache Nifi, Google Cloud Platform, SQL, Linux, Git, Docker, Hadoop e Spark.

  • How to Bridge the Gaps Between Remote Sensing AI Research and Real-World Industry Challenges
Fabiano Saraiva
  • Use of Open-Source Software in Census Cartography Production - IBGE's Case
Fernanda Ferreira Alves

Analista de Sistemas formada pela Faculdade Sapiens, com experiência de Programação em Python, HTML, CSS, JavaScript e Desenvolvimento em Cloud, especialista em Análise de dados e MBA em Big Data e Inteligência Competitiva e mestranda em Propriedade Intelectual e Transferência de Tecnologia - PROFNIT pelo IFRO.

  • GeoPortal PMPV
Fernando Almeida Barbalho

Doctor in Business Administration from UNB (2014). As data scientist, researches and implements products for transparency in the Brazilian public sector.

  • Utilizing R for Open-Source GIS in Brazilian Governmental Institutions: Enhancing Public Policy Through Detailed Mapping
Fran Raga

Open Source GIS Developer

  • Use of Open Source Software in the ESA Planetary Science Archive
Gabriel Roldan

Open Source GIS expert developer and enthusiast. Core GeoServer/GeoTools contributor since 2003.

  • State of GeoServer
  • Exploring OGCAPI with GeoServer and GeoNetwork
  • Elevating GeoServer to the Cloud: Production-Ready Features for Optimal Performance
Gabriel Sansigolo

PhD student in Applied Computing at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Master in Applied Computing and Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development. He has experience in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Geoinformatics. Currently researcher at the Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development in Health and a full-stack developer on the Brazil Data Cube and HARMONIZE projects.

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project

Bringing experience from IT, community-based work, humanitarian and disaster risk reduction to climate action. Over 12 years or work with data and GIS, project management and partnerships.

  • Assessing the gap: how to empower climate policy with open source data
George Rodrigues da Cunha Silva

George Rodrigues da Cunha Silva is a seasoned software engineer with a unique background that bridges the worlds of geography and software development.

Originally trained as a geographer, George has leveraged his deep understanding of geographical information systems (GIS) into a successful software developer and technical leader career.

With over a decade of experience in software development, George has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, maintainable code and architecting complex, distributed systems.

His expertise encompasses various programming languages and technologies, including Python, Django, Clojure, Elixir, AWS, Terraform, Kubernetes, and PostgreSQL. George has worked extensively in back-end engineering, particularly with distributed services, event-driven architecture, design patterns, and domain-driven design. His creative and resourceful approach to software development is complemented by his strong leadership skills. He has managed and grown teams of developers to achieve significant project milestones and operational efficiencies.

George’s journey from geographer to developer has been marked by significant contributions to various GIS tools, including QGIS and PostGIS, where he has engaged in bug reporting, feature development, and documentation translation efforts. His work has advanced the capabilities of these tools and supported the global GIS community by enhancing accessibility and usability.

In his recent roles, George has been responsible for determining initial architectures, building and maintaining features, and managing diverse teams of developers across back-end, front-end, and data science domains. He has successfully led projects that automated critical business processes, resulting in substantial cost savings and operational improvements.

His passion for delivering business value through clean and maintainable code and extensive experience in GIS and software development positions him uniquely at the intersection of these fields.

  • Benchmarking Zonal Stats for Wildfire Resilience
  • Planscape - optimize landscape interventions
Gérald Fenoy


  • ZOO-Project: news about the Open Source Generic Processing Engine
Germán Carrillo

Germán Carrillo is a geospatial developer and a free software lover and advocate. He has been a QGIS core contributor since 2009 and has developed a dozen QGIS plugins, as well as R packages and a pgAdmin extension.

Besides programming, most of the time he's mountaineering, writing and playing with some electronics.

  • QGIS - Ask me anything!
Gilberto Camara

Prof. Gilberto Camara is internationally recognised for promoting free geospatial data access and satellite monitoring of deforestation in Amazonia; he is affiliated with Brazil’s National Institute for Space Research (INPE), where he was Director (2006-2012). Gilberto published 180 peer-reviewed papers cited 18,900 times. He was Director of the GEO Secretariat (2018-2021). He is Doctor Honoris causa from the University of Münster and received the William T. Pecora award (NASA/USGS).

  • “The relationship between FOSS4G and GIScience: The first 40 years and beyond”
Hidemichi Baba

A software developer enthusiastic at Web and GIS.

  • 💎 Diamond Sponsor Talk 💎 Re:Earth: Revolutionizing WebGIS - From Data to Insights Without Coding
Hinako Iseki
  • 💎 Diamond Sponsor Talk 💎 Re:Earth: Revolutionizing WebGIS - From Data to Insights Without Coding
Horst Düster

Dr. Horst Düster has been working with free open source software and developing solutions for GIS and WebGIS applications for more than 30 years. From 1999 to 2012, he was the GIS Coordinator of the Canton of Solothurn and from 2004 to 2012 he headed the Office for Geoinformation in the role of Deputy Head of Geoinformation. In these positions, he played a decisive role in the realization of the cantonal geodata infrastructure (SO!GIS). SO!GIS is based 100% on open source software and provides the more than 3500 employees of the cantonal administration with GIS functionalities for their daily work. SO!GIS follows the concept of distributed service-oriented architectures. As a proven expert in geodata infrastructures, he has taught distributed geodata infrastructures at Mainz University of Applied Sciences. In spring 2012, he joined Sourcepole AG as co-owner.

  • Easily publish your QGIS projects on the web with QWC2 - news from the project
Ilie Codrina

Codrina Ilie is a technical geographer, an open source GIS/RS power user, actively working as a project officer to support geospatial data services development at Terrasigna. In her 12 years of activity, Codrina has essentially focused on using open source GIS and RS solutions for data management, processing and visualization.
As an advocate for free and open source software for geospatial, since 2010 she has been a volunteer trainer in the Romanian geospatial community, geo-spatial.org. Since 2013, Codrina has been a Charter Member and today serves the community as an OSGeo Board of Directors member, within her third term.

  • The FOSS4G Observatory
Ionut Ungurianu

Senior GIS Engineer @ Quarticle

  • K8S Operator for Geoserver: Quarticle's approach to automation
Ivan Buendía Gayton
  • Humanitarian data collection in browser-based Postgres
Ivan Lonel

GIS Analyst at the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE.

  • Use of Open-Source Software in Census Cartography Production - IBGE's Case

Iván has been a web developer and FLOSS advocate since the early 2000s; then he bought a GPS receiver and got involved in OpenStreetMap and OSGeo. He’s worked with nautical charts, indoor positioning, USB microcontrollers, LibreOffice, multispectral rasters, all of it with unhealthy amounts of Javascript.

  • Approaching Security with Kindness and Compassion
  • Gleo Feature Frenzy
James Battersby

I am a Climate Risk Scientist at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) in Wellington, New Zealand. My main focus areas of work and research at NIWA are in hydrodynamic modelling, risk modelling, and GIS, often combining these three areas to conduct climate risk analyses. Our work at NIWA spans from New Zealand throughout the South Pacific. NIWA and New Zealand have a strong connection with the Pacific, built over years of developing strong relationships with Pacific countries through many projects. My recent work has been focused on developing flood models for the island nations of Samoa and Vanuatu, both of which have high mountains, steep gullies, and are at risk of cyclones and large rainfall events.

  • Enhancing Resilience to Pluvial Flooding in Pacific Island Nations: A Novel Approach to Rapid Rainfall Modelling and Risk Assessment.
Jan Burdziej

Jan is working as a Geospatial Lead at the UNICEF HQ. He is leading the work on establishing a UNICEF corporate geospatial infrastructure leveraging both commercial and open-source technologies. He is involved in developing a core geospatial repository as well as dedicated geo-analytical platforms. He has over 19 years of experience designing, developing, and implementing GIS solutions in various sectors. Throughout his career he has worked as a GIS specialist and consultant for UN agencies (UNICEF, UNDP), national statistical offices, environmental agencies, oil and gas companies and other organizations. Jan holds a master’s degree in GIS from Salzburg University. He also studied business development at Stanford University and obtained a PhD degree in Geography from the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun. His passion is mountain hiking, running, playing table tennis, open water swimming and DIY (especially building wooden furniture for his kids).

  • How open-source GIS drives better results for children
Jarrett Keifer

Jarrett Keifer is a Senior Software Engineer at Element 84 with an interest in spatial analysis, image processing, and network programming. He enjoys designing systems to operate at scale, particularly to support remote sensing data processing and earth science applications, and has ten years of experience contributing to open source projects.

  • Community Standards and Satellite Tasking
  • Earth-Search: A STAC API of Open datasets on AWS
Jennings Anderson

Software Engineer at Meta with Overture.

  • Visualizing Overture Maps Data with Lonboard in a Jupyter Notebook
  • Overture Maps: Unleashing the Power of Open Data for Interoperable Solutions in a Connected World
Jéssica Saldanha

I'm Jéssica Saldanha, graduated in Agronomy from the Federal Rural University of the Amazon (UFRA) and currently studying the technical course in Geodesy and Cartography at the Federal Institute of Pará (IFPA). I have the honor of being one of the ambassadors of the Meninas da Geo group, coordinated by professor Tatiana Pará. Furthermore, I am passionate about visual arts, working as a designer, and I find inspiration in music and the experiences that travel gives me.

  • FOSS4G & Indigenous Art: Showcasing Marajoara Symbols in an Interactive Map of Belém
Joan Sala-Coromina

My work consist on the management, visualization and analysis of spatial data related to fisheries. The main objective is to provide a scientific spatial planning advice to administration fisheries management plans.
The main dataset I manage is VMS (Vessel Monitoring System) and landings data to analyze fleet behavior, fishing effort and catches distribution. We analyze these parameters in either the whole Catalan coast or for specific locations/fleets to include the spatial point of view to decision making. Field scientific sampling and other spatial data are also managed, analyzed and visualized.
We also work for the publication of geospatial online service to publish data so either scientific, administrative or fisheries communities can use these tools easily and dynamically.

  • Open Commercial Fisheries Monitoring Systems for Management: from Data Collection to Web Visualization
Joana Simoes

Joana is a software engineer with more than fifteen years experience and a strong expertise in the field of geospatial tech and analytics.
After acquiring a PhD in GIS, at UCL, her drive to solve real-world problems has led her to SMEs, an international organisation, a research foundation and a start-up. Joana has been very involved with FOSS, in particular in what concerns geospatial. This has led her to become a charter member of OSGeo. Joana is the founder of ByteRoad, a SME in the field of data engineering and geospatial analytics. She is also a reviewer for the European Commission, and has been involved in education, teaching the next generation of full-stack developers and data analysts. As Developer Relations at OGC, Joana is responsible for connecting the OGC standards with the wider developer community, hopefully increasing their adoption and contributing towards making them more developer-friendly.

  • Adding GeoParquet to a Spatial Data Infrastructure: What, Why and How
  • pygeoapi project status
  • Rendering OGC API Compliant Vector Tiles on the Fly with pygeoapi + Elasticsearch
  • OSGeo and OGC MoU in full swing!
Jody Garnett

Jody Garnett is an open source developer and advocate working with GeoCat Canada. He has over 20 years experience consulting, training, building solutions, and guiding technology development. Jody is on the steering committee for the GeoServer, GeoTools, and JTS Topology Suite projects, and volunteers as chair of the OSGeo Incubation Committee.

  • State of GeoServer
  • Exploring OGCAPI with GeoServer and GeoNetwork
  • Approaching Security with Kindness and Compassion
  • Catching up with GeoTools, JTS and friends
  • FOSS4G Developer Stories
Jordi Ribera-Altimir

My educational background is in informatics engineering with a Master's in project management and a second one in oceanography and marine environment management. My main aim is to apply my knowledge of information systems to the marine data management workflows (data collection, processing, dissemination and visualization), providing open access to marine data, easing the scientific knowledge transfer and enabling data capitalisation.

Since 2018, I have been leading the information systems of a service to monitor the Catalan fisheries and give scientific assessments to the administrations, fishing sector and society (ICATMAR). I am responsible for the whole information systems life cycle (requirements definition, design, analysis, development and quality assurance). Since 2023, I have also been involved in the data collection of oceanographic measures to monitor climate change at sea, conduct maritime activities efficiently and manage the maritime environment.

  • Open Commercial Fisheries Monitoring Systems for Management: from Data Collection to Web Visualization
Jorge Sanz

Jorge Sanz is a geospatial technologist from València, Spain. With a background in Cartography and Geodesy Engineering, he has been working in Geographic Information Systems and Software Engineering since 2004. After spending almost a decade in consultancy, he has contributed to technical roles in product companies since 2015, first at CARTO and then, since 2019, at Elastic.

  • Rendering OGC API Compliant Vector Tiles on the Fly with pygeoapi + Elasticsearch
Jose Macchi
  • Generative AI in your FOS applications
Jose Macchi

GIS & Software - Sometimes a geospatial developer, sometimes a SRE or sysadmin, or a software architect, a data scientist, a weather or agtech specialist. Always learning and open to sharing knowledge and experiences.

  • Geoservercloud in a nutshell
  • Exploring OpenData: dynamic rendering of OvertureMaps with GeoServer and WFS without local storage
Joshua Ogure

Joshua Ogure, is the Managing Director for Map Kibera Trust, he is also the team leader for Kibera News Network, a citizen journalism program in Kibera Slum. Josh has a wide range of experience working in the informal settlements of Nairobi. Josh has led the team towards a successful project dubbed Open Schools Kenya. (www.openschoolskenya.org) that put all Kibera, and other informal settlement’s schools on the map, developed a website for them where each and every school has a profile page. He strives to make the invisible visible using OpenStreetMap data and journalism for change and advocacy. Josh in 2015 won and attended a four month IREX’s Community Solutions Fellowship Program in the United States. He is also an alumnus of the UNAOC 2014 Summer School. In 2016, Josh won an Open Data award with Map Kibera under the Social Impact category. While In 2018 /2019 in collaboration with World Bank Josh led another successful Participatory Budgeting mapping project with Four Counties in Kenya. He was recently awarded by the States Department for the successful completion of the C2M2 Nairobi Covid Mitigation project.

  • Mapping Kenya: 15 Years of Map Kibera and beyond
Julian Zilz

Julian is a Junior-Consultant at lat/lon GmbH and an active maintainer for the OSGeo project deegree.

  • State of deegree: Server-side open source software for spatial data infrastructures and the geospatial web
Just van den Broecke

Just van den Broecke is an independent Open Source geospatial professional working under the
trading name "Just Objects" - https://justobjects.nl. In his daily work
he designs, develops and deploys Open Source geospatial infrastructures, stacks and products.
He is a core contributor to Open Source projects like pygeoapi (also PSC), GeoHealthCheck, Stetl, and NLExtract. He is an OSGeo Charter Member and founder/former-chair of OSGeo.nl, the Dutch Local OSGeo Chapter.

  • pygeoapi project status
  • GeoHealthCheck - QoS Monitor for Geospatial Web Services
Kamsin Raju

Kamsin is an environmental professional with expertise in GIS, climate change, and sustainable development. She has a strong academic background, including a Master’s in Environmental Science, and experience in resilience planning, capacity building, and open-source initiatives. Kamsin currently works as the Earth Observation Technical Officer at the Pacific Community (SPC).

  • What is Digital Earth Pacific
Karine Ferreira

Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Division (DIOTG), National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project
Kateryna Konieva

Ph.D. in Sustainable Architecture and Design, urban planner, software engineer.

  • Speckle: your geospatial & 3d data hub
Katja Haferkorn

I am a geographer, interested in geoinformatics, beautiful maps and especially in supporting the great OSS community.
I work for FOSSGIS e.V. as a coordinator. I support the organisation of the FOSSGIS conference, the FOSSGIS working groups and the back office.

  • FOSSGIS e.V. - how to run a successfull Local Chapter
Kaue Oliveira Almeida

Kaue Oliveira Almeida é desenvolvedor de projetos web no Centro de Estudos da Metrópole (CEM/USP), com ênfase no desenvolvimento de plataformas geoweb com o uso de bibliotecas, como OpenLayers e GeoNode. Mestrando no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação. Também possui bacharelado em Sistemas de Informação e Bacharelado e Licenciatura em Ciências Sociais.

  • MAPi: Web Mapping Platform for Education and Urban Planning
Kim Durante

Kim Durante is the Manager of Data Curation Services at Stanford University Libraries. She supports the curation of geospatial data within the Stanford Digital Repository, the Stanford Spatial Data Infrastructure, and EarthWorks (GeoBlacklight). Additionally, she provides one-on-one research consultations in data science tools, as well as workshops in Python toolkits such as GDAL, Pandas, and GeoPandas

  • FAIR Principles for Geospatial Data Curation
Leandro França

Professor of Geoprocessing at the Federal Institute of Paraíba (IFPB). Cartographer Engineer from the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), with a period attended at Texas Tech University (TTU), in the United States of America, in addition to being a Master in Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformation Technologies from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and PhD student in Civil Engineering, in the area of Environmental Technology at UFPE. Python developer of tools for QGIS focused on topographic mapping, PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and quality control of geospatial data. Researcher in the following areas: Cartography, Geodesy, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis. Author of the QGIS LF Tools plugin, which openly provides tools for cartographic production, topographic surveys, drone mapping, Digital Image Processing and geographic database management.

  • FOSS Applications in the Amazon through the GeoRondônia Project with the GeoINCRA Plugin in QGIS
  • Plugin LFTools - A "Made in Brazil" Geospatial Solution!
Lia Bertran Roca
  • Enhancing Geographic Data Accuracy: Convolutional Neural Networks in Urban Mapping
  • Creating Web-Ready QGIS Plugins: Insights from Giswater for Effective QWC2 Compatibility
Luana Becker da Luz

Luana é engenheira de computação pela Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF) e mestre em engenharia e gerenciamento de sistemas espaciais pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE). Atualmente, ela é bolsista de pesquisa na FIOTEC no projeto HARMONIZE (Harmonizing multi-scale spatiotemporal data for health in climate change hotspots) e suas áreas de interesse incluem geoinformática e ciência de dados geoespaciais.

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project
Lubia Vinhas

I am a researcher at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). I have a background in computer science and a PhD from INPE in applied computing. I have 25 years of experience in geoinformatics, including FOSS4G use and development. My interests include geospatial data, data management, and remote sensing for land use and land cover monitoring. I am also a teacher and supervisor at INPE's Graduate Program in Applied Computing.

  • TerraBrasilis: an open-source solution for disseminating information about the Brazilian Biomes vegetation cover
Luca Delucchi

Luca is an OSGeo and OSM contributor and advocate. He graduated in Geography from University of Genova (Italy) in 2008. Since the same year he work at Fondazione Edmund Mach, an organisation near Trento. He is interested in all features about GIS: desktop, web, geodatabase, developing and geodata. He contributes to GRASS GIS project, pyModis, OSGeoLive and ZOO-Project and others. In the last years is working on new project called DigiAgriApp

He is active in the Italian community; he has been a board member and the president of the Italian OSGeo local chapter. He has been the board member for about 10 years.

He was the chair of the FOSS4G 2022 conference.

  • DigiAgriApp, second year update
Lucas Halberstadt da Rosa

Analista de Geoprocessamento do IBGE desde 2016, em Minas Gerais.
Integrante do grupo de desenvolvimento do SIGBT desde 2017.
Engenheiro Civil com experiência de quase 10 anos em projetos na área ambiental.

  • Use of Open-Source Software in Census Cartography Production - IBGE's Case
Luis Calisto

A FOSS enthusiast for more than 12 years with passion for different technologies such as QGIS, OpenLayers, OGC standards, Gdal and a fan of PostGIS just to name a few. More recently an enthusiast of GraphQL api’s with PostGIS and Graphile.

  • World Soil Information Service (WoSIS): Practical Applications of Open Source Technology in Soil Data Management
Luis Fernando Villaça Meyer

Luis Fernando Villaça Meyer é diretor de operações do Instituto Cordial, responsável pelo Painel Brasileiro da Mobilidade e pelo Painel Brasileiro da Obesidade, e gerente da área de Dados e Tecnologia do instituto. Arquiteto, urbanista e mestre em habitat e assentamentos humanos pela Universidade de São Paulo, integrou o Conselho Municipal de Política Urbana e foi assessor da Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano de São Paulo.

  • Leveraging Geospatial Street Data for Effective Urban Mobility Policies: A Comprehensive Methodology for Road Safety Analysis in Brazilian Cities Through Geoprocessing
Luiz Motta

Luiz Motta has been involved with information technology from an early age, having completed a technical course in data processing in 1984 at the age of 17 in the city of Rio de Janeiro. In his adolescence, his passion was nature, with a strong connection to the beaches and mountains of his city. Due to this passion, he decided to pursue Forestry Engineering, and during his undergraduate studies at the Federal University of Viçosa in the state of Minas Gerais, he developed computer programs in his research projects. These projects later resulted in a master's thesis, one of the first theses in the field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), titled "Use of a Geographic Information System in the Optimization of Forest Transportation" (1995).
After leaving academia, he worked with GIS in a research center (Embrapa, 1996), public companies (IEF-MG, 2001), environmental consulting firms, and finally, in 2003, he fulfilled his lifelong dream by joining the career of Environmental Analyst at Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural Resources (Ibama). In Ibama, his workplace was in the Amazon, where he could see how the occupation of the Amazon region was carried out. Later, he was transferred to the Ibama headquarters in Brasília (the capital of Brazil), where he dedicated himself to the development of Geoprocessing in the institution. His work had a global reach, as his GIS software plugins and scripts were shared on the Internet.

His expertise in GIS development, especially in QGIS, where he was a contributor (with more than 10 plugins), provided experiences beyond Ibama, such as participating in the Planet Explorer program (2015) and the MapBiomas project (2019). In these projects, QGIS plugins were developed to access the data. His desire to help people in the Geoprocessing field has always marked his professional trajectory, serving as an instructor for various courses and providing assistance to other GIS users. Currently, Luiz Motta is with Prevfogo (National Center for Prevention and Combat of Forest Fires), being part of the Sisfogo (Fire Management System) development team. In addition to his environmental work, he is passionate about off-road adventures and is a member of the "Endurance Without Destination Motorcycle" Club.

  • Script for database: SQL or Python
Luiza Santos

Operations Research Master Student at ITA and Data Engineer

  • Uber's Open Source H3 Index in Open Source Projects: Simplifying Distance Calculation and Data Storage
Marcelo Villa

Marcelo is an ecologist with a background in remote sensing. He has used several tools from the scientific and geospatial Python ecosystems to develop Earth Observation applications in forest monitoring, burned area estimation and flood mapping. He is currently a cloud infrastructure engineer at Quansight, where he maintains Nebari and enables people to scale their data workflows in the cloud.

  • Modern Geospatial Data Science in the Cloud with Nebari
Marco Bernasocchi

Marco Bernasocchi is an open-source advocate, entrepreneur and full-stack geoninja. He is the creator of QField for QGIS, currently serves as QGIS.org Chair, and is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation board member. In his day job, Marco is the CEO of OPENGIS.ch, which he founded in 2011.

A geographer by trade, Marco lives in a small Romansh-speaking mountain village in Switzerland, where he loves scrambling around the mountains to enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives him. Outgoing, flexible and open-minded, Marco fluently speaks five languages. The best thing is: He not only knows how to say it but also loves sharing his know-how.

  • QField Plugins to the rescue - Natural catastrophe rapid mapping in 2024
  • QField 3 - Fieldwork redefined
  • One million reasons to use QField
  • QGIS - Ask me anything!
Marcos Lima Rodrigues

Computer Scientist, PhD in Applied Computer at INPE. Drone image processing to monitor areas susceptible to the spread of diseases impacted by climate change.
Earth Observation and Geoinformatics Division (DIOTG), National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project
Maria Peña
  • Mapping Locally, Globally: A YouthMappers Perspective on Open Mapping
Matthew Hanson

Matt Hanson is the Director of Aerospace at Element 84, a commercial geospatial consultancy that utilizes open-source to build solutions. With an education in Remote Sensing at the Rochester Institute of Technology, he has been working with geospatial data for over 25 years. As an author and contributor to multiple open-source projects (starting with GeoNode in 2012), he has gone on to help create open standards, like STAC, as well as the open-source ecosystem around data interoperability.
A frequent speaker at geospatial conferences, this will be Matt's 10th international FOSS4G conference.

  • Community Standards and Satellite Tasking
  • The State of STAC
  • GeoAI for all: Helping answer the most common questions in geo
Michael Smith

Mike is a Physical Scientist at the US Army Corps of Engineers and a long time MapServer, GDAL and PDAL user and occasional developer. Mike is on the PDAL and MapServer PSC and is a charter member of OSGeo and was first elected to the Board of Directors in 2014. He was reelected in 2016, 2018, 2020, and 2022. Mike currently serves as the Treasurer (treasurer@osgeo.org) on the OSGeo Board.

  • State of PDAL
Miguel Monteiro

Antonio Miguel Viera Monteiro é Pesquisador Sênior do INPE- Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, onde Coordena o LiSS - Laboratório de investigação em Sistemas Socioambientais da DIOTG-Divisão de Observação da Terra&Geoinformação. É formado em Engenharia Elétrica pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES) e possui DPhil em Engenharia Eletrônica e Controle/Ciência da Computação (1993) pela Universidade de Sussex em Brighton, Reino Unido. Seu trabalho de pesquisa envolve o desenvolvimento de métodos e técnicas computacionais para tratar informações espaço-temporais, orientados a preencher a lacuna entre pesquisa e serviços em programas de saúde pública, assistência e proteção social e planejamento urbano e regional. Tem atuado como coordenador de projetos em escala nacional, organizados como redes multi-institucionais de cooperação, centradas no uso de métodos de tratamento de informação espacial para auxiliar o desenho de políticas públicas urbanas, socioassistenciais e de saúde pública baseadas em evidências. Seu trabalho recente foca na urbanização contemporânea na Amazônia brasileira e na Região Metropolitana do Vale do Paraíba e Litoral Norte de SP e suas ligações com o ambiente, a saúde, a proteção/desproteção social e a economia. Foi chefe da Divisão de Processamento de Imagens (DPI, 1999-2006), Diretor Executivo e Chefe do Centro de Ciência do Sistema Terrestre (CCST, 2008-2010) e Gerente do Programa Institucional Espaço e Sociedade (PESS, 2007-2019) no INPE. Publicou em várias revistas científicas internacionais e brasileiras e editou/organizou 4 livros. Orientou cerca de 34 dissertações de mestrado e 32 teses de doutorado.

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project
Nathan Swain

Nathan Swain is the Director of Development Services at Aquaveo and the Chair of the Board of Directors of the Tethys Geoscience Foundation. He specializes in developing web solutions for water resources modeling and hydroinformatics. He completed a Ph.D. at Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah, USA with an emphasis on Civil and Environmental Engineering and Hydroinformatics. His research culminated in the development of Tethys Platform, an open-source, Django-powered, web application development platform that aims to ease the development of geoscience web applications.

  • Tethys Platform: An Open-Source Geoscience Web Application Framework
Ondřej Pešek

Ondřej Pešek is Czech and feels very sorry for causing troubles with the pronunciation of his name.

  • Convolutional Neural Network-Based Detection of Erosion Rills on Aerial Imagery Combined with Hydrological Model SMODERP Outputs
Paul van Genuchten
  • pygeoapi project status
  • pygeometa project status
Petr Kavka
  • Convolutional Neural Network-Based Detection of Erosion Rills on Aerial Imagery Combined with Hydrological Model SMODERP Outputs

I'm a YouthMappers leadership fellow and the ex-president university of Jos YouthMappers. I am also a member of the OpenStreetMap Foundation My interest is in the application of free and open source geospatial technology to support humanitarian and climate change actions.

  • Unleashing the Power of OpenStreetMap Data in QGIS with Essential Plugins
Philipe Borba

Graduated in Cartographic Engineering from the Military Institute of Engineering (IME, in 2012) and holds a Masters degree in Applied Geosciences from the Institute of Geosciences at the University of Brasília (UnB, in 2022). During the masters program, specialized in the automatic extraction of buildings from satellite imagery using advanced Artificial Intelligence techniques, focusing on data integration for cartographic and geospatial applications. Currently works at the 1st Geoinformation Center, developing innovative solutions for geoinformation production based on open-source software. Serves as the project manager of DSGTools, a QGIS plugin widely used for geoinformation production in compliance with Brazilian standards, and is one of the leading developers of the software. Has extensive experience in Geosciences, with an emphasis on Cartographic Engineering, Geographic Information Systems (GIS), and the development of geospatial tools.

  • DSGTools Geospatial Data Quality Assurance Toolbox: An Automated Workflow Suite for Quality Assurance
Pirmin Kalberer

Pirmin is a geospatial software developer since more than 20 years and has contributed to several Open Source projects. Pirmin is co-founder of Sourcepole, a Swiss company providing GIS services and solutions.

  • Shortbread - the new OpenStreetMap vector tile schema
  • Serving live maps with vector tiles
  • Farewell Web Mercator
Piyush Chauhan
  • How CMS Will Empower GIS Data with Flow: Building a Next-Generation Content Management System
  • Shooting for Photorealistic 3DCG with Navara: Our Journey Begins
Rachel Lowe
  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project
Rafael Ronconi Bezerra

Engenheiro Sanitarista e Ambiental, mestre em Gestão e Regulação de Recursos Hídricos, ambos pela UNIR, especialista em Engenharia e Segurança do Trabalho, pós-graduando em Geoprocessamento pela UFABC. Com experiência em Projetos de Combate a Incêndios, Licenciamento Ambiental e Geoprocessamento.

  • GeoPortal PMPV
Raísa Tavares Thomaz
  • GeoPortal PMPV
Rami DV

Maps, maps, and maps!

  • FOSS4G & Indigenous Art: Showcasing Marajoara Symbols in an Interactive Map of Belém

Product Designer, GIS Data Visualization Programmer, Product Manager

  • Work with Re:Earth Visualizer, a new WebGL application based on Cesium
Rodrigo Valle

Graduado em Ciência da Computação pela PUCRS em 1998 e Mestre em Ciência da Computação pela UFRGS em 2002. Atuei por 5 anos em Projetos de Desenvolvimento de Software na Companhia de Processamento de Dados do Rio Grande do Sul e durante 20 anos como Analista e Gestor de Projetos na Companhia de Gás do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Nos últimos anos, como Especialista, tendo realizado a atualização do ambiente de GIS (baseado em ORACLE SPATIAL e Weblogic), a Integração com diversos ambientes como ERP e BI e a Implantação de uma Topologia para Redes de Distribuição de Gás.

  • Topology for Spatial Distribution Networks
Rohit Gautam
  • Geo-Data Analytics and Technology Industry: Current trends, challenges, and opportunities
Rosa Aguilar

Rosa Aguilar is originally from Venezuela and holds two master's degrees and a PhD. Before joining ITC at the University of Twente, she worked as a deputy president of the Geographic Institute of Venezuela. She previously accumulated experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remotely sensed image analysis, spatial database management, and spatial data infrastructure (SDI).
Rosa was recently appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente and is an active member of the QGIS community. She enjoys working with communities in participatory contexts as well as developing machine learning models for evidence-based decisions.

  • Fieldwork data collection for agriculture: tips, tricks, and lessons from Mozambique
Saber Razmjooei

Saber Razmjooei is the co-founder of Lutra Consulting, a company focused on geospatial solutions. Lutra Consulting started in 2009 and since then they have been involved in key QGIS development. Saber has helped with various fund raising efforts to implement 3D features and point cloud support in QGIS. In the past, he was the product manager for Mergin Maps, a free and open source data collection app based on QGIS.

  • Integrating STAC with QGIS
  • Mergin Maps: an open source platform based on QGIS for data collection and collaboration
  • QGIS 3D, point clouds and elevation enhancements
Selene Yang Rappaccioli

Doctora en Comunicación Social por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Co-fundadora de la colectiva Geochicas. Fellow del Laboratorio de Sociedad Civil Digital y el Centro de Estudios Comparativos de Raza de la Universidad de Stanford. Especialista en Diversidad, Equidad e Inclusión de la Fundación Wikimedia. Líder Regional para Latinoamérica para CHAOSS. Asesora en la Región de América Latina y el Caribe para All In de Github.

  • Bridging the gap: How to help communities leverage open-source tools for crowdmapping?
  • Geochicas. Building communities of geofeminism.
Sérgio Augusto Jardim Volkmer

Architect, non-graduated Geology student, M. Phil. in Philosophy.
Working with Satellites, Maps & Geospatial at Soar.Earth
Contact: sergio@soar.earth

  • Soar online open platform to make public and open maps accessible and shareable, and its QGIS Plugin
Sijan Dhungana

I hold a Master's degree in Computer Engineering with a specialization in Data Science. After completing my Master's degree, I was selected for a research opportunity through the Erasmus Programme at the Università degli Studi del Sannio-Benevento in Italy. I work at NAXA, a Geo-ICT company that designs and develops digital and geospatial technological solutions to support evidence-informed decision-making.

  • Geo-Data Analytics and Technology Industry: Current trends, challenges, and opportunities
Sterling Quinn

Sterling D. Quinn is an associate professor and the GIS program director in the Department of Geography at Central Washington University. Dr. Quinn has published numerous academic papers on the social dynamics and inclusiveness of crowdsourced projects such as OpenStreetMap and Mapillary. He has also presented at FOSS4G conferences on the topics of open source GIS in education and government. In 2015 he was awarded the GeoForAll Global Educator of the Year award for his work authoring open courseware on web mapping with FOSS. His most recent research uses ideas from feminist scholarship in geography and cartography to visualize routines recorded in historical diaries and personal narratives. Dr. Quinn is conversant in Spanish and Portuguese, and has traveled to South America regularly for teaching and research activities.

  • Reconstructing literary geographies on the margins of São Paulo using open GIS resources
Susmina Manandhar
  • Geo-Data Analytics and Technology Industry: Current trends, challenges, and opportunities
Sylvia Regina Rodrigues Damiao

Civil Engineer with 32 years of experience in Housing, Environment, and database development at the São Paulo City Hall, working in land subdivision, licensing, and public areas. Developed a Geographic Database Administration project with pioneering use of open-source software.

  • Cartographic Transition: From Map Library to Geoprocessing - Exploring the Codes Behind the Project. A Model for Public Agencies

Coordenadora (chair) do FOSS4G 2024 BELÉM, presidente da OSGeo Brasil, embaixadora do Open Knowledge Brasil, fundadora do grupo Meninas da Geo e e professora do IFPA.

Tiago Prudencio Silvano
  • FOSS Applications in the Amazon through the GeoRondônia Project with the GeoINCRA Plugin in QGIS
Tim Schaub

Long time contributor to OpenLayers. Principal Engineer at Planet Labs.

  • OpenLayers Feature Frenzy
Tom "Hutch" Ingold

OSGeo charter member, father, developer, ex-Boundless, ex-Planet, current CTO @ Earthgenome.org

  • Leveraging AI and Open Source Geospatial Software to Combat Illegal Gold Mining in the Amazon
Tom Kralidis

Tom Kralidis is with the Meteorological Service of Canada and a longtime contributor to FOSS4G and open standards. He is the creator of pygeoapi, pycsw, and numerous projects in the geospatial Python ecosystem. Tom is a lead architect of the WMO Information System (WIS2), and chairs the WMO Task Team on Open Source as well as the WMO Expert Team on Metadata Standards. He also chairs the OGC Pub/Sub Standards working group and co-chairs the OGC API - Records Standards Working Group.

Tom is passionate about location, open software, standards and data, and currently serves on the OSGeo Board of Directors.

  • pygeoapi project status
  • GeoHealthCheck - QoS Monitor for Geospatial Web Services
  • pygeometa project status
  • OSGeo and OGC MoU in full swing!
  • WMO and FOSS4G: a new horizon of open geospatial tools for weather/climate/water data
Tudor Bărăscu

Tudor is a mechanical engineer and a QGIS contributor. He has extensive experience in QGIS deployments (Desktop, Server, Web, data models) for public utilities companies and city halls. Also a QGIS trainer, he loves teaching and promoting QGIS all over the world. He is also a OSGeo charter member, member of the romanian OSGeo local chapter and of the local QGIS organization.

  • G3W-SUITE: a framework for publishing and managing QGIS projects as WebGIS services
Valdir Moura

PhD in Agricultural Engineering from the State University of Western Parana (UNIOESTE), Cascavel campus (2022). Master's degree in Remote Sensing from the National Institute for Space Research (2000). Degree in Agronomy (1997). Occupational Safety Engineer (2011). Effective Professor at the Federal Institute of Basic, Technical and Technological Education (IFRO) campus Colorado do Oeste-RO, working on the course of Agricultural Engineering, Technology in Environmental Management. From 2012 to 2016, it was transferred to the Federal University of Rondônia (UNIR), Rolim de Moura campus, teaching the subjects of Remote Sensing, Geoprocessing and Topography for the Agronomy and Forestry Engineering courses. Leader of the Space Research Group (GREES/IFRO). He has experience in the area of ​​Geosciences, with an emphasis on Spatial Analysis, Land Use and Occupation, Agricultural Statistics, Remote Sensing and Geoprocessing, Urban Registration and Workplace Safety. Has been working since 2004 with Georeferencing of Rural Properties. Technical Responsible and Georeferencing Coordinator of the GEORONDONIA project (Land regularization project for settlement and agrarian reform projects implemented in Rondonia by INCRA).

  • FOSS Applications in the Amazon through the GeoRondônia Project with the GeoINCRA Plugin in QGIS
Vasile Crăciunescu

Vasile Craciunescu is a researcher with more than 22 years experience, working for the Romanian National Meteorological Administration and Terrasigna, being in charge with the scientific and operational activities related to GIS database design and implementation, deployment of standardized web services, spatial enabled web interfaces, ETL, EO data processing, project management. He received his diploma in cartography and physical geography in 2001. He has a good experience in working and leading national, EU and ESA research projects. In 2006 Vasile started geo-spatial.org (http://geo-spatial.org), a collaborative effort by and for the Romanian community to facilitate the sharing of geospatial knowledge and the discovery and publishing of free geographic datasets and maps. Since 2011 he is the Romanian delegate in the Copernicus User Forum at the European Commission and the representative of Meteo Romania at Open Geospatial Consortium. In August 2014 he was elected to the Open Source Geospatial Foundation board of directors. For the last 12 years he has been teaching FOSS4G-based techniques at the Faculty of Geography - University of Bucharest in the first Romanian ICA-OSGeo Lab. Vasile was the chair of the 2019 FOSS4G international conference.

  • The FOSS4G Observatory
Veronica Andreo

Veronica Andreo is a member of the GRASS development team and serves as chair of the Project Steering Committee since 2021. She is currently a visiting scholar at the Center for Geospatial Analytics, in North Carolina State University. Veronica holds a PhD in Biology and an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications. Back in Argentina, she works as a researcher at CONICET and as a lecturer at Gulich Institute (CONAE - UNC). Her research focuses on uncovering environmental drivers of vector-borne disease outbreaks and distribution through Earth Observation data analysis and modeling.

  • From field biology to the GRASS GIS board: A Journey of Open Source Discovery and Nurturing a New Generation of Contributors
  • State of GRASS GIS
Vicky Vergara

I am an Economist and Computer Scientist, pgRouting fan and developer.

Open Source Software advocate.

  • pgRouting project leader and developer since 2013 Including:
  • pgRouting,
  • pgRoutingLayers,
  • osm2pgRouting.
  • Google Summer of Code mentor since 2015
  • FOSS4G speaker since 2015
  • PSC member of OSGeoLive
  • Currently member of the Board of Directors of the OSGeo Foundation.
  • pgRouting, state of the project
Victor Verhaert

While obtaining his master’s degree in Computer Science Engineering from the University of Leuven, Victor focused his thesis on studying convolutional neural networks for facial detection. In 2023, he joined VITO as a data engineer, driven by a passion for leveraging technology to preserve nature and monitor our planet’s health.

At VITO, Victor is part of the openEO Data Engineering team, where he supports various remote sensing projects by setting up and optimizing complex processing pipelines. OpenEO is an opensource API that simplifies and unifies access to Earth observation cloud back-ends, adhering to open science principles and reducing technical overhead for remote sensing researchers.

Victor's expertise and interests includes big data analysis, AI, computer vision and algorithms optimization.

  • The Copernicus Global Land Cover and Tropical Forest Mapping and Monitoring service - a free and open dynamic global land cover service at 10 m resolution for the years 2020-2026.
Vitor George

Software Engineer at Development Seed

  • Visualizing Overture Maps Data with Lonboard in a Jupyter Notebook
  • Scaling up OpenStreetMap data validation in the open
Vitor Vieira

Mobile App Developer for Mergin Maps at Lutra Consulting.

  • Mergin Maps: an open source platform based on QGIS for data collection and collaboration
Wille Marcel

Wille Marcel is a Map Data Engineer at Development Seed. He focuses on building tools to collect, manage, distribute, and analyze map data. He has extensive experience in the geospatial industry, from mapping and data analysis to building APIs and web applications, and is also the creator of OSMCha, one of the main OpenStreetMap validation tools.

  • Scaling up OpenStreetMap data validation in the open
Yasser Kamel


  • How CMS Will Empower GIS Data with Flow: Building a Next-Generation Content Management System

Hi, I'm Yosune, Director of Data Analysis and Geographic Information Systems at the National Council of Humanities, Sciences and Technologies of the Mexican Government.

I have worked with technology, data and maps since 2008 and my background includes projects related to corruption, migration, gender, violence, drug trafficking, health, security, human rights, discrimination, food sovereignty, climate change, among others. I have extensive experience coordinating interdisciplinary teams and I believe it is essential to build a healthy work environment.

I am the representative in Mexico at the International Institute for Information Design and I specialize in the communication of complex information. My work has been recognized in countries such as Luxembourg, Germany, England, Austria, Italy, Spain, Latvia, Brazil and Ecuador.

  • Gema & Sisdai: open data & free software projects by the Mexican government
  • Project PLATEAU from Japan: Tackling Local Issues with Nationwide 3D City Model
Yuri Astrakhan
  • Co-founder of MapLibre + maintain Martin Tile Server
  • FOSS/Rust/OSM/big DB/datavis enthusiast
  • Author of Wikipedia API, Maps, and graphs
  • Former principal Engineer at Elastic, now senior staff eng at Rivian Automotive
  • All MapLibre projects, present and future, in one status update
Yuri Domaradzki Moreira Nunes

Yuri Domaradzki Moreira Nunes é mestre em Computação Aplicada e bolsista do Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais (INPE), trabalhando com sensoriamento remoto, pesquisa e desenvolvimento em aplicações geográficas. Sua principal linha de pesquisa de interesse é a representação de dados espaço-temporais e o gerenciamento de grandes dados de observação da Terra.

  • Integrating Earth Observation Data for Enhanced Health Response Systems: The EODCtHRS component of HARMONIZE Project