FOSS4G 2024 Workshop

Christopher Beddow

Christopher Beddow is a map data analyst at Meta who has worked on integrations, developer tools, and community growth with Mapillary and OpenStreetMap over the past 8 years. He is an avid Python and SQL user with an interest in computer vision to improve maps. Chris loves to travel and ski, learns languages, and likes riding trains with his wife, son, and dog when at home on Switzerland.


Overture Places + OSM: Deduplication and Verification
Jennings Anderson, Christopher Beddow

Overture Maps Foundation provides millions of points of interest (POIs) as open map data. This gives OpenStreetMap users a chance to improve the map using open source geospatial tools in Python, along with various open APIs, to compare and validate the data. This workshop will let users learn how to do it in a place on the map of their own choosing.

Room Guajará (C Block)