FOSS4G 2024 Workshop

Jorge Gustavo Rocha

Jorge Gustavo has a PhD in Computer Science. He is Assistant Professor at Computer Science Department at Minho University, where he teaches and researches on Geographic Information System and Science. With former PhD students he started Geomaster, a company to provide professional services on top of open source GIS software.
He was FOSS4G-Europe 2018 chairman, the European OSGeo Chapter annual event, that took place in Guimarães, Portugal, July, 2018. He is serving as president of the OSGeo Portugal Local Chapter and served as OSGeo CRO in 2019 and 2020. Jorge Gustavo is a FOSS4G charter member since 2009.


Publishing maps on the web with QGIS Server
Jorge Gustavo Rocha

This workshop will fully utilize QGIS + QGIS Server to create web map-based applications. We will use QGIS, QGIS Server, and PostgreSQL.

Projects will be stored on PostgreSQL, on the server side. A database trigger will extract all the necessary information from the project (using PyQGIS) to produce a wonderful web map application. Project layers will be served by QGIS Server. Participants will be able to create QGIS projects and all the same information and customizations will be reflected in the web app.

Room Círio de Nazaré (C Block)