Alex is an open geospatial technologist with extensive expertise in software development, cloud infrastructure, and program governance. Throughout his career, Alex's focus has been on making data more easily accessible. By enabling simpler access to data, he believes we can drive positive change and continue to develop sustainably.
- Cloud-Native Geospatial for Earth Observation

Amber Dismer, MPH, is a Health Scientist specializing in geographic information systems (GIS) and serves in the Global Public Health Emergencies Branch, at the Global Health Center, in the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. She received her master's degree from Emory Rollins School of Public Health in 2012 and has since supported complex humanitarian crises in Haiti, Guinea, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Afghanistan, Mali, Somalia, and South Sudan. Ms. Dismer is the GPSSample principal investigator at CDC.
- Workshop on Use of GPSSample, a tool for Enumeration, Navigation and Sampling in Health Surveys

Andreas is an accomplished open source developer. Not only as a small business owner, but also out of personal interest, he is an active committer for popular projects like OpenLayers and Proj4js. He has been working in geospatial for more than 25 years, and is a frequent teacher and speaker.
- Working with OpenLayers

I’m a GIS developer and data analyst. I’m passionate about open source, data visualization and knowledge sharing. I love when technologies break down barriers.
In my career, I explored domains like e-government, fintech, GIS, and e-learning.
I’m a freelancer, and I work with Byte Road and Geobeyond.
In the past, I contributed mostly to GeoNetwork, but recently I widened my interest to more projects. I’m interested in the evolution of OGC API standards and how they can improve our dear projects.
- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

Baggio Castro é bacharel em Matemática com ênfase em Matemática Computacional pela Universidade Federal Fluminense. É mestre e doutorando em Computação Aplicada pelo Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais. Trabalha no projeto Brazil Data Cube como cientista de dados geoespaciais e especialista em inteligência artificial aplicada a séries temporais de imagens de satélite para mapeamento de uso e cobertura da terra.
- Brazil Data Cube Platform: Earth observation data cubes and satellite image time series analysis

- Create Interactive Web Maps: A Hands-on Workshop with Re:Earth

- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

Christopher Beddow is a map data analyst at Meta who has worked on integrations, developer tools, and community growth with Mapillary and OpenStreetMap over the past 8 years. He is an avid Python and SQL user with an interest in computer vision to improve maps. Chris loves to travel and ski, learns languages, and likes riding trains with his wife, son, and dog when at home on Switzerland.
- Overture Places + OSM: Deduplication and Verification

Having relocated as a Land Surveyor from his native Germany to London, UK; His 25 years of professional experience in the spatial information sector have seen many transitions; From field work and paper maps to digital, from desktop to cloud, and more recently from proprietary to open source technologies.
- XYZ Cloud MAPPing 101

- Introduction to GeoServer

PhD student in Applied Computing at the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE). Master in Applied Computing and Technologist in Systems Analysis and Development. He has experience in Computer Science, with an emphasis on Geoinformatics. He is currently a researcher at the Foundation for Scientific and Technological Development in Health (FioTEC) and a full-stack developer on the Brazil Data Cube and HARMONIZE projects.
- Brazil Data Cube Platform: Earth observation data cubes and satellite image time series analysis

- ZOO-Project - OGC API - Processes - Introduction
Germán Carrillo is a geospatial developer and a free software lover and advocate. He has been a QGIS core contributor since 2009 and has developed a dozen QGIS plugins, as well as R packages and a pgAdmin extension.
Besides programming, most of the time he is mountaineering, writing and playing with some electronics.
- QField and QFieldCloud - seamless fieldwork for QGIS
- Supercharge your fieldwork with QField plugins

A developer enthusiastic at Web and GIS.
- Create Interactive Web Maps: A Hands-on Workshop with Re:Earth

GIS engineer from Eukarya inc, board member of OSGeo.JP.
- Create Interactive Web Maps: A Hands-on Workshop with Re:Earth

Ivan Buendía Gayton works at the nexus of humanitarianism, technology, and human rights. Prior to joining HOT in 2017, he worked for fifteen years with Médecins Sans Frontières in various capacities including Head of Mission, field logistician, Humanitarian Affairs Officer, and GIS and Technological Innovation Advisor, and served on the board of directors of MSF-Canada. He co-founded the Missing Maps project, worked on medical records for Ebola, and created the MapSwipe mobile mapping application. He is an advocate of Free Software, and considers it critical to racial justice and equity, particularly in the aid sector, and believes that “local people, local devices, and open knowledge” are key to effective humanitarian tech and inclusion. He works on local manufacturing of drones in low-income settings, and low-cost, high-precision surveying for community and smallholder land rights.
- Community Drone Mapping - Drone Tasking Manager Practical Workshop

Iván has been a web developer and FLOSS advocate since the early 2000s; then he bought a GPS receiver and got involved in OpenStreetMap and OSGeo. He’s worked with nautical charts, indoor positioning, USB microcontrollers, LibreOffice, multispectral rasters, all of it with unhealthy amounts of Javascript.
- Web maps with Gleo: from zero to WebGL innards

Jarrett Keifer is a Senior Software Engineer at Element 84 with an interest in spatial analysis, image processing, and network programming. He enjoys designing systems to operate at scale, particularly to support remote sensing data processing and earth science applications, and has ten years of experience contributing to open source projects.
- Deep Dive into Cloud-Native Geospatial Raster Formats

- Overture Places + OSM: Deduplication and Verification

Joana is a software engineer with more than fifteen years experience and a strong expertise in the field of geospatial tech and analytics.
After acquiring a PhD in GIS, at UCL, her drive to solve real-world problems has led her to SMEs, an international organisation, a research foundation and a start-up. Joana has been very involved with FOSS, in particular in what concerns geospatial. This has led her to become a charter member of OSGeo. Joana is the founder of ByteRoad, a SME in the field of data engineering and geospatial analytics. She is also a reviewer for the European Commission, and has been involved in education, teaching the next generation of full-stack developers and data analysts. As Developer Relations at OGC, Joana is responsible for connecting the OGC standards with the wider developer community, hopefully increasing their adoption and contributing towards making them more developer-friendly.
- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

Jody Garnett is an open source developer and advocate working with GeoCat Canada. He has over 20 years experience consulting, training, building solutions, and guiding technology development. Jody is on the steering committee for the GeoServer, GeoTools, and JTS Topology Suite projects, and volunteers as chair of the OSGeo Incubation Committee.
- Introduction to GeoServer
Epidemiologist and Informatician
- Workshop on Use of GPSSample, a tool for Enumeration, Navigation and Sampling in Health Surveys

QField and QFieldCloud Supporter / Junior GIS developer
- QField and QFieldCloud - seamless fieldwork for QGIS
- Supercharge your fieldwork with QField plugins

Jorge Gustavo has a PhD in Computer Science. He is Assistant Professor at Computer Science Department at Minho University, where he teaches and researches on Geographic Information System and Science. With former PhD students he started Geomaster, a company to provide professional services on top of open source GIS software.
He was FOSS4G-Europe 2018 chairman, the European OSGeo Chapter annual event, that took place in Guimarães, Portugal, July, 2018. He is serving as president of the OSGeo Portugal Local Chapter and served as OSGeo CRO in 2019 and 2020. Jorge Gustavo is a FOSS4G charter member since 2009.
- Publishing maps on the web with QGIS Server

- Create Interactive Web Maps: A Hands-on Workshop with Re:Earth

Mr. Hoffimann has more than 10 years of experience developing advanced statistical software for geosciences. He is the creator and lead developer of the GeoStats.jl framework, as well as various other open source projects that are widely used by geoscientists worldwide.
His career goals include:
- Advancing the field of machine learning and artificial intelligence to account for challenges that are unique to geosciences
- Establishing new methodologies for uncertainty quantification and decision making involving the use of natural resources in the planet
To achieve these goals, he founded Arpeggeo®, a software company that offers consulting services and high-performance products written in the Julia programming language.
- Geospatial Data Science with Julia

Just van den Broecke is an independent Open Source geospatial professional working under the
trading name "Just Objects" - https://justobjects.nl. In his daily work
he designs, develops and deploys Open Source geospatial infrastructures, stacks and products.
He is a core contributor to Open Source projects like pygeoapi (also PSC), GeoHealthCheck, Stetl, and NLExtract. He is an OSGeo Charter Member and founder/former-chair of OSGeo.nl, the Dutch Local OSGeo Chapter.
- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

Karine Ferreira is PhD in Applied Computing and works at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE), Brazil, with research in Geoinformatics and coordinating technological innovation projects, such as Brazil Data Cube (http://brazildatacube.org/). She is professor of the Applied Computing Postgraduate Course at INPE and her main research topics is: representation, processing and analysis of spatiotemporal information, satellite image time series and big Earth observation data. She is a CNPq productivity scholarship in Technological Development and Innovative Extension.
- Brazil Data Cube Platform: Earth observation data cubes and satellite image time series analysis

Professor of Geoprocessing at the Federal Institute of Paraíba (IFPB). Cartographer Engineer from the Military Institute of Engineering (IME), with a period attended at Texas Tech University (TTU), in the United States of America, in addition to being a Master in Geodetic Sciences and Geoinformation Technologies from the Federal University of Pernambuco (UFPE) and PhD student in Civil Engineering, in the area of Environmental Technology at UFPE. Python developer of tools for QGIS focused on topographic mapping, PostgreSQL/PostGIS database and quality control of geospatial data. Researcher in the following areas: Cartography, Geodesy, Geographic Information System (GIS), Remote Sensing and Spatial Analysis. Author of the QGIS LF Tools plugin, which openly provides tools for cartographic production, topographic surveys, drone mapping, Digital Image Processing and geographic database management.
- LFTools Tricks for Drone Image Processing with WebODM and QGIS

- Creating a GraphQL API with Postgis

- Doing Geospatial with Python

Marco Bernasocchi is an open-source advocate, entrepreneur and full-stack geoninja. He is the creator of QField for QGIS, currently serves as QGIS.org Chair, and is an Open Source Geospatial Foundation board member. In his day job, Marco is the CEO of OPENGIS.ch, which he founded in 2011.
A geographer by trade, Marco lives in a small Romansh-speaking mountain village in Switzerland, where he loves scrambling around the mountains to enjoy the feeling of freedom it gives him. Outgoing, flexible and open-minded, Marco fluently speaks five languages. The best thing is: He not only knows how to say it but also loves sharing his know-how.
- QField and QFieldCloud - seamless fieldwork for QGIS
- Supercharge your fieldwork with QField plugins

Oscar Hernandez is a technologist working at the intersection of human rights, civic technology and data at Codeando México, a non-profit leveraging tech and data for public good.
- Collaborative mapping of public transportation routes from scratch

- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

PhD in Applied Computing and MSc in Remote Sensing by the Brazilian National Institute for Space Research (INPE) with a Bachelor in Computer Science by the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA). Works as Software Developer at the Brazil Data Cube project focused on Generation of Analysis Ready Data (ARD) and EO Data Cubes. Research: Digital Image Processing Algorithms, Image Segmentation, Artificial Intelligence, Data Mining, Atmosphere Correction and Radiometric corrections.
- Brazil Data Cube Platform: Earth observation data cubes and satellite image time series analysis

Rhys is a cofounder and spatial data architect of Auchindown, a small company in Jamaica that deals in all things spatial.
Rhys has over 15 years of experience analyzing, identifying and transforming spatial data into useful information and business insights helping companies to leverage data to make informed decisions. He has been using Postgresql/PostGIS since versions 8.0/pre 1.
He has a keen interest in using PostGIS in the electric utility space and is the developer behind https://lvwr.io which is a power delivery modeling and management cloud solution that is built on the PRAM Stack.
- Advanced PostGIS: Beyond the basics.

Rosa Aguilar is originally from Venezuela and holds two master's degrees and a PhD. Before joining ITC at the University of Twente, she worked as a deputy president of the Geographic Institute of Venezuela. She previously accumulated experience in Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remotely sensed image analysis, spatial database management, and spatial data infrastructure (SDI).
Rosa was recently appointed as an Assistant Professor at the University of Twente and is an active member of the QGIS community. She enjoys working with communities in participatory contexts as well as developing machine learning models for evidence-based decisions. She also advocates for more females in STEM.
- Setting the scene – GEO Artificial intelligence: an intro

Saber is co-founder of Lutra Consulting, a leading company in developing QGIS since 2013.
- Mergin Maps: an open source platform based on QGIS for data collection and collaboration

Long time contributor to OpenLayers. Principal Engineer at Planet Labs.
- Working with OpenLayers

Tom Kralidis is with the Meteorological Service of Canada and longtime contributor to FOSS4G. He contributes to numerous projects in the Geopython ecosystem.
Tom is the co-chair of the OGC API - Records Standards Working Group, chair of the WMO Expert Team on Metadata, and serves on the OSGeo Board of Directors.
- Doing Geospatial with Python
- Diving into pygeoapi

Tudor is a mechanical engineer and a QGIS contributor. He has extensive experience in QGIS deployments (Desktop, Server, Web, data models) for public utilities companies and city halls. Also a QGIS trainer, he loves teaching and promoting QGIS all over the world. He is also a OSGeo charter member, member of the romanian OSGeo local chapter and of the local QGIS organization.
- Working with QGIS Server

Veronica Andreo is a member of the GRASS GIS development team and serves as chair of the Project Steering Committee since 2021. Veronica holds a PhD in Biology and an MSc in Remote Sensing and GIS Applications. Back in Argentina, she works as a researcher at CONICET and as a lecturer at Gulich Institute (CONAE - UNC). Her research focuses on uncovering environmental drivers of vector-borne disease outbreaks and distribution through Earth Observation data analysis and modeling.
- GRASS GIS for Earth Observation data processing with Jupyter notebooks

I am an Economist and Computer Scientist, pgRouting fan and developer.
Open Source Software advocate.
- pgRouting project leader and developer since 2013 Including:
- pgRouting,
- pgRoutingLayers,
- osm2pgRouting.
- Google Summer of Code mentor since 2015
- FOSS4G speaker since 2015
- PSC member of OSGeoLive
- Currently member of the Board of Directors of the OSGeo Foundation.
- pgRouting basic workshop

Mergin Maps Mobile App Developer at Lutra Consulting.
- Mergin Maps: an open source platform based on QGIS for data collection and collaboration

- Create Interactive Web Maps: A Hands-on Workshop with Re:Earth