Alexandre Donato da Silva
Nasci no Rio Grande do Sul e moro no Amazonas há mais de 30 anos, moro em Manaus, a capital do estado, onde atuo como professor ministrante de Geografia no Centro de Mídias de Educação do Amazonas (CEMEAM), da Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Desporto Escolar (SEDUC/AM). Licenciado em Geografia (UEA), Especialista em Geografia da Amazônia Brasileira (UFAM) e Mestre em Ciências do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade na Amazônia (UFAM), entusiasta das possibilidades livres em Geotecnologias.
The Amazon faces significant logistical challenges due to its size and complex geographical features, such as the dense rainforest and vast hydrographic network. In Brazil, Amazonas stands out for its ecological diversity and difficulties of access, requiring innovative solutions for educational development. The Amazonas Education Media Centre (CEMEAM) uses In-Person Teaching with Technological Mediation (IPTTM) to overcome these obstacles, promoting digital inclusion and democratizing access to education. Implemented in 2007 by the Amazonas State Secretary of Education and School Sports (SEDUC-AM), it combines face-to-face classes with satellite videoconferences and other media, reaching more than 25,000 students in an area of 1,571,000 km². To help with spatial management, CEMEAM was presented with a proposal for a Geographic Information System in a web environment (WebGIS) using free software and plugins (QGIS and QGIS Cloud) as well as freely accessible products. The WebGIS enabled a variety of analyses and proved it could contribute to more efficient spatial management, adapted to regional specificities, such as the isolation of localities and the dependence of students on river transportation. Although it is not yet a formalized institutional tool, SIG Web demonstrates the potential of geotechnologies in educational management in the Amazon, serving as an important experiment to support CEMEAM in its needs.