FOSS4G 2024 Academic Track

Alencar Cabral

Possui graduação em Ciencias Biologicas pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí (2004) e mestrado em Engenharia Química pela Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (2016). Atualmente é analista de sistemas pleno da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí e analista de sistemas pleno da Universidade do Vale do Itajaí. Tem experiência na área de Ciência da Computação, com ênfase em Arquitetura de Sistemas de Computação, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: Gestão de dados Ambientais, Sistemas de Informação Geográfiva e Desenvolvimento de sistemas. Atualmente trabalha no Laboratório de Informática da Biodiversidade e Geomática (LibGeo)

  • SIMMAM 3.0 – Updating the Toolbox for the Conservation of Marine Mammals
Alexandre Assuncao

Bachelor's degree in Environmental Engineering from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), with part of my undergraduate studies done in the United States at Wayne State University. I am a Data Science specialist from PUC-Minas and hold a master's degree in Sanitation, Environment, and Water Resources from UFMG. Since 2016, I have been working in the environmental field, with a focus on GIS, remote sensing, and programming.

I work on developing customized solutions for clients in the private and public sectors, actively engaging with key stakeholders and supervising teams to ensure quality and meet expectations.

I have extensive experience in Python and integrating it with Geographic Information System (GIS) software using PyQGIS, Arcpy, and Google Earth Engine API libraries. I am proficient in using QGIS, ArcGIS, and Google Earth Pro software. Additionally, I have knowledge in database management (PostgreSQL) and web development (HTML, CSS, Geoserver, Django, Flask, Requests, WFS, and WMS services).

  • From cave buffer zones to protected areas: speleology data management with free and open-source software (FOSS)
Alexandre Donato da Silva

Nasci no Rio Grande do Sul e moro no Amazonas há mais de 30 anos, moro em Manaus, a capital do estado, onde atuo como professor ministrante de Geografia no Centro de Mídias de Educação do Amazonas (CEMEAM), da Secretaria de Estado de Educação e Desporto Escolar (SEDUC/AM). Licenciado em Geografia (UEA), Especialista em Geografia da Amazônia Brasileira (UFAM) e Mestre em Ciências do Ambiente e Sustentabilidade na Amazônia (UFAM), entusiasta das possibilidades livres em Geotecnologias.

  • The Web GIS as an Auxiliary Management Tool for In-Person Teaching with Technological Mediation in the Amazon Rainforest: The Case of CEMEAM, Amazonas, Brazil.
Amber Dismer
  • Bridging the Gap: GPSSample – An Innovative Tool for Enumeration and Sampling in Health Surveys
Antonio Cerciello

I’m a GIS developer and data analyst. I’m passionate about open source, data visualization and knowledge sharing. I love when technologies break down barriers.
In my career, I explored domains like e-government, fintech, GIS, and e-learning.
I’m a freelancer, and I work with Byte Road and Geobeyond.
In the past, I contributed mostly to GeoNetwork, but recently I widened my interest to more projects. I’m interested in the evolution of OGC API standards and how they can improve our dear projects.

  • A Spatial Data Infrastructure using Modern Standards: Lessons Learned from the eMOTIONAL Cities Project
Bárbara Laura Tavares
  • Free and Open-Source Software Solutions in the GeoRondônia Project: Efficiency in Georeferencing of Rural Settlements with QGIS and GeoINCRA plugin
Beatriz Gonçalves

Beatriz é urbanista e arquiteta formada pela Universidade de São Paulo (FAU-USP, 2022). Atualmente, é Analista de Urbanismo no Instituto Cordial e atua diretamente com análise e pesquisa em mobilidade urbana. Suas principais experiências são relacionadas à área de análise de dados e geoprocessamento, a fim de orientar a coleta, processamento, análise e visualização dos dados e apoiar na elaboração análises territoriais relacionadas ao contexto urbano e a mobilidade. Atuou como pesquisadora do projeto Índice de Dados Abertos para Cidades pela Open Knowledge Brasil, contribuindo com as temáticas de Mobilidade Urbana e Habitação. Ao longo de sua experiência profissional, já participou de projetos relacionados a intervenções no desenho urbano, mobilidade ativa, elaboração de políticas de mobilidade e projeto urbano.

  • Urban Cycling: Intelligent Bicycle Sensors for Road Safety and Sustainability
Cauã Guilherme Miranda

Hello, my name is Cauã. I'm a Geographer and work as GIS Analyst in Zetta Agency in Federal University of Lavras (UFLA).

  • Democratizing AI, making geotechnology accessible to all
Christoph Friedrich

Studied B.Sc. Geoinformatics at ifgi / Uni Münster, then M.Sc. Informatics also in Münster. Now working at the Earth Observation Research Cluster / Remote Sensing Department of the University of Würzburg. Got hooked on processing big geodata in the cloud due to being involved in the openEO project while being a student at Edzer Pebesma's group. Now doing the datacube for the AgriSens project.

  • Integrating, Processing and Presenting Big Geodata with Earth Observation Datacubes in an Interdisciplinary Research Context
Cláudia M. Viana

Cláudia M. Viana is a Geospatial Data Scientist and Geographer, holding a PhD in Geography (2022) from the University of Lisbon (UL) with a grant from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). She earned a Master's in Geographic Information Systems (2014) and a Degree in Geography (2012), both from the Institute of Geography and Territorial Planning (IGOT-UL). Currently, she is a Post-Doc Junior Researcher at the Centre of Geographical Studies (CEG) at UL, and a member of various research groups, including Modelling and Spatial Planning (MOPT, CEG-ULisboa), Associated Laboratory TERRA, and CEIS20 (UC). Cláudia serves as the Principal Investigator of the AgroecoDecipher project (2022.09372.PTDC) supported by FCT.

  • The Use of GeoAI Techniques for Gathering, Storing, and Analyzing Historical Agroecological Data
Dra. Ranieli dos Anjos de Souza
  • Free and Open-Source Software Solutions in the GeoRondônia Project: Efficiency in Georeferencing of Rural Settlements with QGIS and GeoINCRA plugin
Fabíola Andrade

PhD candidate in Geodetic Sciences at the Federal University of Paraná (UFPR).
Faculty member at the Polytechnic School at the Federal University of Bahia (UFBA).

  • Advancing Geospatial Data Integration: The Role of Prompt Engineering in Semantic Association with chatGPT
Fabrício Lisboa Vieira Machado

Geographer (2013), Master in Geography and Environmental Analysis (2016) and PhD in Applied Geography and Geotechnologies (2024) from the Federal University of Minas Gerais. Specialist in Georeferencing of Rural and Urban Properties from the Faculty of Engineering of Minas Gerais (2022). Was an employee of Sisema-MG for 8 years, where coordinated the agency's Spatial Data Infrastructure (IDE-Sisema) and the Directorate of Environmental Territorial Management. Partner and owner of Cosmo - Environmental Mapping, a consultancy specialized in aerial photogrammetric surveys with RPA and spatial analysis of environmental phenomena. Teacher and content producer in free geotechnologies. Was also part of the official translation team of QGIS in Brazil.

  • WebODM free software as a tool for digital aerial photogrammetric processing: employability in scientific productions
Felipe Oliveira Silva
  • Photogrammetry and 3D Modelling Applied to the Creation of Virtual Reality in Realistic Environments: Analysis of Free Software for Image Processing
Felix Erdmann

Felix studied Geoinformatics and is now working as a software developer in the areas of digital education and smart cities.

  • Urban Cycling: Intelligent Bicycle Sensors for Road Safety and Sustainability
Gabriel Viterbo

Engenheiro Ambiental trabalhando na parte de geotecnologias, engenharia de dados geográficos e desenvolvimento de sistemas.

  • Democratizing AI, making geotechnology accessible to all
George Porto Ferreira

My first contact with Free and Open Souce Software was in 1994 when I started computer sciences at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (Brazil). I moved to the Geography Department at the State University of Santa Catarina in 1998, when I had my first contact with Spring (GIS open source), developed by the National Institute of Space Research (INPE). 2003, I started working in the Amazon Forest for the Brazilian Institute of Environment (IBAMA). One year later, I finished my master’s in Geomatics and project management at the University of Avignon (France). At that time, I started exploring the recently launched Quantum GIS. In 2008, I moved from the Amazon to Brazil’s capital, Brasília, to take the office as Environmental monitoring coordinator. During the following eleven years, one of my roles was to provide computational infrastructure for geospatial applications. Geoserver, PostGIS, GeoNetwork, and Leaflet were among my daily duties. In 2013, we decided to go 100% open source at IBAMA and QGIS was adopted as the main desktop GIS. In 2016 and 2018, I helped organize FOSS4G IS GOV, when, for the first time, several Brazilian governmental institutions gathered to exchange experiences in FOSS4G. In 2022, I started my PhD at the University of British Columbia, using a lot of FOSS4G in my research (of course!). In 2024, I actively participated in creating the Brazilian OSGEO Chapter. Besides, I love rock climbing, sailing, cycling, and yoga in my spare time.

  • The relationship between rural credit and deforestation
Igor Augusto da Costa Nunes

Meu nome é Igor Nunes. Sou graduado em Ciência da Computação pela Universidade Federal de Lavras (UFLA) e atuo como administrador de banco de dados, com especialização em bancos de dados geoespaciais. Participando deste evento, busco ampliar meu networking com especialistas da área, compartilhando experiências e conhecimentos. Além disso, estou interessado em me manter atualizado sobre as novidades e grandes soluções que o uso de ferramentas GIS pode proporcionar.

  • Democratizing AI, making geotechnology accessible to all
Jaime Gutiérrez Alfaro

Associate Professor, Computer Engineering (ITCR). Interested in how free geospatial software support vulnerable communities to produce and manage open data for decision making, and involve undergrads in the process.

  • Study Case of Erizo Juan Santamaría: from free map to official cartography
Joana Simoes

Joana is a software engineer with more than fifteen years experience and a strong expertise in the field of geospatial tech and analytics.
After acquiring a PhD in GIS, at UCL, her drive to solve real-world problems has led her to SMEs, an international organisation, a research foundation and a start-up. Joana has been very involved with FOSS, in particular in what concerns geospatial. This has led her to become a charter member of OSGeo. Joana is the founder of ByteRoad, a SME in the field of data engineering and geospatial analytics. She is also a reviewer for the European Commission, and has been involved in education, teaching the next generation of full-stack developers and data analysts. As Developer Relations at OGC, Joana is responsible for connecting the OGC standards with the wider developer community, hopefully increasing their adoption and contributing towards making them more developer-friendly.

  • A Spatial Data Infrastructure using Modern Standards: Lessons Learned from the eMOTIONAL Cities Project
  • Democratizing AI, making geotechnology accessible to all
Joel Adegoke

Epidemiologist at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  • Bridging the Gap: GPSSample – An Innovative Tool for Enumeration and Sampling in Health Surveys
Kauê de Moraes Vestena

Cartographic Engineer, Master in Geodetic Sciences, currently on phd at Federal University of Parana. OSM user since 2014, GIS and FOSS software enthusiast. Working on the mapping of urban accessibility using open data and tools.

  • Deep Pavements Framework: Combining Ai Tools And Collaborative Terrestrial Imagery For Pathway Mapping
Leandro França

Professor do IFPB. Engenheiro Cartógrafo, Mestre em Ciências Geodésicas. Líder da Comunidade GeoOne.

  • Free and Open-Source Software Solutions in the GeoRondônia Project: Efficiency in Georeferencing of Rural Settlements with QGIS and GeoINCRA plugin
Lucas Alvarenga Lopes

Computer Science student by Federal University of Lavras

  • Democratizing AI, making geotechnology accessible to all
Luis Fernando Villaça Meyer

Luis Fernando Villaça Meyer é arquiteto, urbanista e mestre em habitat e assentamentos humanos pela Universidade de São Paulo. Foi assessor da Secretaria Municipal de Desenvolvimento Urbano e integrou o Conselho Municipal de Política Urbana de São Paulo. É diretor de operações no Instituto Cordial, onde é responsável pelo desenvolvimento de projetos, pesquisas e iniciativas do Instituto, como o Painel Brasileiro da Mobilidade (PBM).

  • Urban Cycling: Intelligent Bicycle Sensors for Road Safety and Sustainability
Luiz Fernando Satolo

Bachelor of Economic Science (University of Sao Paulo). Master of Sciences and Doctor of Sciences in Applied Economics (University of Sao Paulo). Specialist in Data Analysis, Data Science and Big Data. Master's candidate in Applied Computing at Brazilian National Institute for Space Research. CNPq Research Grant of Technological Industrial Development at Brazilian National Center for Monitoring and Early Warning of Natural Disaster.

  • Systematic Technology Review of OGC Standards and OSGeo Projects
marc böhlen

Marc Böhlen is Professor of Art and Affiliate Faculty in the Institute for Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at the University of Buffalo. Böhlen is the author of the book On the Logics of Planetary Computing. Artificial intelligence and Geography in the Alas Mertajati (Routledge Press, 2025).

In parallel to the book, this installation allows readers to experience how GeoAI algorithms interpret landscapes and how choices of the analyst impact analysis.

Foss4G 2024 presentation video

  • GeoAI in resource-constrained environments.
Marcelo Vinicius Assis de Brito

Sou um Engenheiro Agrônomo especialista de Geoprocessamento de Sensoriamento Remoto. Atuei no Projeto Geo Rondônia, como Analista de Dados colaborando com a regularização fundiária de projetos de assentamento no estado de Rondônia.

  • Free and Open-Source Software Solutions in the GeoRondônia Project: Efficiency in Georeferencing of Rural Settlements with QGIS and GeoINCRA plugin
Nathan Damas

Possui graduação em Engenharia Cartográfica e de Agrimensura pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2013) e mestrado em Ciências Geodésicas pela Universidade Federal do Paraná (2015). Tem experiência na área de Geociências, com com ênfase em Fotogrametria, Cadastro Territorial Multifinalitário e Cadastro 3D. Tem interesse na área de Cartografia, Fotogrametria, LiDAR, Nuvem de Pontos, SfM.

  • Natural Language Processing and Voice Recognition for Geolocation and Geospatial Visualization in Notebook Environment
Patricia Lustosa Brito

Possui graduação em Arquitetura e Urbanismo pela UFBA, mestrado em Geografia pela UnB, Doutorado na área de Informações Espaciais pela Escola Politécnica da USP e pós doutorado na School of Engeneering da University of Birmingham, Reino Unido. É atualmente é Professora Associada DE e coordenadora do Laboratório de Cartografia e SIG do Departamento de Engenharia de Transportes e Geodésia, pesquisadora permanente do curso de Pós graduação em Engenharia de Civil e coordena as atividades de pesquisa e extensão do Capítulo YouthMappers at UFBA, da Escola Politécnica da Universidade Federal da Bahia.

  • OpenStreetMap in the Training of Local Actors in Projects Aimed at Community-Based Interventions in Favelas: A Systematic Review Supported by AI
Paulo Roberto Ferreira Maciel

Paulo Roberto Ferreira Maciel é estudante de Sistemas de Informação, interessado em tecnologias de georreferenciamento, machine learning e softwares livres para monitoramento ambiental.

  • Georeferencing of Urban Trees Using Drones and Ground-Level Imaging, and Classification of Their Species by Machine Learning
Pedro Melhado

Licenciado em Geografia na Universidade Federal da Bahia. Tem experiência na área de Cartografia com ênfase em Mapeamento colaborativo, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: mapeamento em saúde, dados abertos em comunidades vulnerabilizadas. (Texto informado pelo autor

  • OpenStreetMap in the Training of Local Actors in Projects Aimed at Community-Based Interventions in Favelas: A Systematic Review Supported by AI
Rodrigo Smarzaro

Professor at Federal University of Viçosa, Youthmappers UFV chapter advisor, OSGEO Brasil Member

  • Georeferencing of Urban Trees Using Drones and Ground-Level Imaging, and Classification of Their Species by Machine Learning
Rosangela Leal

Baiana de São Salvador da Baía de Todos os Santos, Geógrafa, Mestra em Geociências (Geomorfologia) pela UFBA, Doutora em Engenharia de Transportes (Geoprocessamento) pela USP, professora da Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana do Departamento de Tecnologia, membro do corpo permanente do Programa de Pós Graduação em Modelagem em Ciências da Terra e do Ambiente, com pesquisa atuante, na formação, divulgação e desenvolvimento em modelagem ambiental em geral e em modelagem 3D e realidade virtual em particular, com uso de softwares livres.

  • Photogrammetry and 3D Modelling Applied to the Creation of Virtual Reality in Realistic Environments: Analysis of Free Software for Image Processing
Thomaz Franklin de Souza Jorge

I am a software engineer and DevOps developer focused on FullCycle development, automated testing, and geoprocessing technologies. I live in Luminárias, MG, and I have a bachelor's degree in Information Systems. I am currently pursuing a master's degree in Computer Science with an emphasis on Software Engineering at the Federal University of Lavras (UFLA).

Currently working at Agência Zetta - Inovação, Sistemas Inteligentes e Geotecnologia at UFLA, where I started as a QA development intern and progressed to senior development analyst. My projects involve CI/CD pipelines, managing DevOps culture, and developing automated test scripts. I also collaborate on software architecture for several projects, taking on roles such as Scrum Master and technical lead.

With proficiency in several technologies, I play a key role in the development of georeferencing solutions. My technical experience extends to Docker, Kubernetes, Vagrant, Ansible, PowerShell, Gitflow, GDAL, and GeoPandas, as well as other geoprocessing technologies.

Proactive and quick learner, capable of acquiring and applying new knowledge efficiently. I have significant involvement in projects such as the national soil program Pronasolos, the Santa Catarina water rights management system Siout-SC, the environmental licensing and supervision system of the state of Espírito Santo (IEMA), and the georeferenced data platform Georadar, in partnership with the Federal Public Ministry, among other projects. I also work as an instructor, leading numerous training sessions on automated testing, clean code principles, unit and integration testing, static code analysis, CI/CD processes, Git/GitLab, Docker, and geoprocessing technologies.

  • Democratizing AI, making geotechnology accessible to all
Valdir Moura

Professor Titular no Instituto Federal de Rondônia, Responsável Técnico no projeto GeoRondônia. Mestre em Sensoriamento Remoto pelo INPE e Doutor em Engenharia Agrícola pela UNIOESTE.

  • Free and Open-Source Software Solutions in the GeoRondônia Project: Efficiency in Georeferencing of Rural Settlements with QGIS and GeoINCRA plugin