FOSS4G 2024 Academic Track

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FOSS4G 2024 Academic Track


The aim of the conference is twofold: the exchange of information and experiences between users of geographic data and Free and Open Source software for processing geographic information and the possibility for new or potential users to discover the functionality of these systems and the availability of data, and to meet developers and experienced users.

Talks are expected to share experiences using or developing free geographic data and metadata and using or developing free and open-source geographic software. Your contribution could present all about how you use open-source geospatial software, how it helps to solve your company/organization problems, a new development you are involved in, what it has improved, etc., in the various application fields.

Submissions promoting restricted licensed software will not be accepted. This is a Free Open Source Software conference, and FOSS is the main interest.

How to Submit a Proposal

When submitting a talk, you will be asked to select a general Track that best defines your contribution:

  • State of Software;
  • Transition to FOSS4G;
  • Use cases & applications;
  • Education;
  • Open data;
  • Community & Foundation
  • AI4EO Challenges & Opportunities
  • Open Standard
  • Applications and solutions for the Amazon region

A special track is also available:

  • Open source geospatial “Made in Latin America.”

You will also have to select one general Theme that best defines your proposal:

  • Software status/state of the art, new software/project development, benchmarking;
  • FOSS4G implementations in strategic application domains: land management, crisis/disaster response, smart cities, population mapping, climate change, ocean and marine monitoring, etc.;
  • Data visualization: spatial analysis, manipulation, and visualization of geospatial data;
  • Data collection, data sharing, data science, open data, big data, and data exploitation platforms;
  • Sensors and data processing: remote sensing, lidar, structure from motion, and GNSS;
  • New trends: IoT, Indoor mapping, drones - UAV (uncrewed aerial vehicle), Urban Digital Twins, Artificial intelligence - machine learning, deep learning-, geospatial data structures, real-time raster analysis;
  • Open and reproducible science;
  • Standards, interoperability, SDIs, metadata, and INSPIRE implementations;
  • Community & participatory FOSS4G;
  • FOSS4G at governmental institutions;
  • FOSS4G in education;
  • FOSS4G for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG);
  • FOSS4G for Public Health;
  • Business products powered by FOSS4G;

Following an established tradition, FOSS4G organizes an Academic Track that will take place during the days of the Conference. The FOSS4G 2024 Scientific Committee invites original research contributions addressing any topic or domain related to open source geospatial software, including (but not limited to) open hardware, open software development, open GIS science, open geospatial data and systems, geospatial data exchange, open geospatial cloud platforms and services, open geospatial education, participatory cartography, digital twins, geoAI and geospatial machine learning.

Articles of all types are welcome, including achieved results, case studies, work in progress, reviews, and demonstrations. We advise against, however, mere presentations of technology or use cases without adequately justifying originality against the scientific state of the art and without particular novelty. Furthermore, authors should properly highlight the use of open-source geospatial software. We especially look forward to contributions from doctoral students and researchers.

When evaluating proposals, the Scientific Committee will pay special attention to the research's reproducibility (when applicable). Researchers ensure reproducibility by making all artifacts (input data, computational steps, methods, and code) openly available to achieve consistent results. And, when available, the code is made public under an open source license.

Submission Process

Step 1: Authors are invited to submit abstracts written in English that are between 800 and 1000 words long and contain sufficient details for evaluation, including the concepts, methodology, and results, highlighting the reasons why they would be interesting for the FOSS4G Academic Track audience.

The members of the Scientific Committee will evaluate the submitted abstract based on its originality/scientific novelty, relevance to the FOSS4G community, presentation/clarity, and overall quality. Reproducibility will be considered among the evaluation criteria.

Step 2:
Authors of accepted abstracts should provide an extended version of their work considering the comments and suggestions received in Step 1.

We will not review the extended versions of the accepted abstracts again. However, we will check them against the formatting guidelines. Templates for formatting the papers will be available on the FOSS4G website.


The Academic Track program will only include talks or posters from authors who submit extended papers that adhere to the template. In other words, no presentation at the Academic Track is possible without submitting a paper.
Authors should register for the conference in order to present their accepted work. We can accept up to two papers per registration. If you select this option and both abstracts (with only one author registered for the conference) receive acceptance, one will be indicated for oral presentation and the other as a poster, depending on our decision at a later stage. Regardless of the situation (1 oral presentation, 1 poster or 2 posters), the authors must write two papers for Step 2.


The works accepted and presented in the Academic Track will be published in the complete Proceedings of FOSS4G 2024, until the first day of the conference.

This Call for Papers closed on 2024-07-31 23:59 (America/Belem).