FOSS4G 2023

Expanding Geospatial Data Access: Lessons from Radiant MLHub and the Shift to Source Cooperative
06-29, 15:00–15:30 (Europe/Tirane), Drini

Radiant Earth is building a new data sharing utility called Source Cooperative that aims to make it trivially easy for data providers to publish data on the Internet. Source Cooperative is the next generation of Radiant MLHub which Radiant Earth built to share Earth observation training datasets. In this talk, we will share lessons learned about sharing data from working with NASA, Planet, Sinergise, AWS, Microsoft, and others. We will also share how we’re applying those lessons to create Source Cooperative.

Michelle uses her passion for community building, education, and communication in her role as Developer Advocate at Radiant Earth. In this position, she strives to empower the geospatial community by providing valuable resources, fostering collaboration, and promoting innovative technologies. Michelle loves discovering and building meaningful connections, both among individuals and between organizations. She believes we are stronger and more productive when we join forces and work together.