FOSS4G 2023

A Soft Transition to FOSS in a Decentral Administration
06-28, 15:00–15:30 (Europe/Tirane), UBT F / N212 - Floor 3

The public administration of the Swiss canton Aargau chose to use OSS for the publication of all open WMS, using GeoServer-Cloud and PostgreSQL. Meanwhile, the decentral offices, which gather geographical data and style this data are used to using proprietary software for this purpose. The strategy chosen was to provide a soft transition to OSS, by providing automated conversion processes based on a new FOSS project and by improving existing OSS with regards to styling conversions towards SLD.

Geographer and software engineer with many years of experience in GIS, geoinformatics and software development and project management.
Passionate painter in his spare time.

Project manager and GIS-consultant at Camptocamp SA, in Olten (Switzerland)

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