FOSS4G 2023

Measuring Water Level Changes in Reservoir using Jason-3 Altimetry Mission
06-28, 15:00–15:05 (Europe/Tirane), UBT D / N113 - Second Floor

This talk will describe the usage of Jason-3 Altimeter data, which records the topographic height of the surface of the earth every ~10 days, to help measure the changes in water level of reservoirs across the globe. The use of NASA Common Metadata Repository (CMR) API to download and subset is described along with navigating the maze of various Jason-3 Level-2 Products depending on the use-case.
This talk introduces to this open dataset and various other altimetry missions, to allow for multi-mission monitoring of reservoirs of the world. It further uses Free and Open Source Software (CMR Specification, Xarray) to pre-process the data for use.

Aman is a developer with experience in Python and Deep Learning. He has a keen interest in open specification spatial data formats. A regular blogger, Aman has an active YouTube and GitHub handles, where he shares detailed examples of remote sensing and GIS case-studies. Writing clean and well tested code to monitor Earth in all aspects is what excites him. Find him at

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