FOSS4G 2023

QGIS Feature Frenzy - both for the Long-term release (3.28) and the Latest release (3.32)
06-29, 10:30–11:00 (Europe/Tirane), Outdoor Stage

QGIS releases three new versions per year and each spring a new long-term release (LTR) is designated. Each version comes with a long list of new features. This rapid development pace can be difficult to keep up with, and many new features go unnoticed. This presentation will give a visual overview of some of the most important new features released over the last calendar year.

In March of 2023 a new Long-term release was published (3.28), and shortly before FOSS4G, the latest stable version of QGIS (3.32) will be released. I will start by comparing the new LTR (3.28) to the previous (3.22). Here I will also summarize by category the new features found in the latest LTR (GUI, processing, symbology, data providers etc.).

I will then turn my attention to the important new features found in the latest releases (3.30 & 3.32). Each highlighted feature will not simply be described but will be demonstrated with real data. The version number for each feature will also be provided. If you want to learn about the current capabilities of QGIS, this talk is for you!

Potential topics include: Annotation layers * GUI enhancements * New Expressions * Point cloud support * Print layout enhancements * New renderers and symbology improvements * Mesh support * 3D * Editing

In early 2021, Kurt moved from the USA to Denmark and now works for Septima in Copenhagen. He has a broad skillset. He is a spatial analyst, cartographer, trainer/teacher and author. In 2022 he published his eighth and ninth books on QGIS: Discover QGIS 3.x - Second Edition and QGIS for Hydrological Applications - Second Edition, both with Locate Press. In 2015 he became an OsGeo Charter Member. He is also a fellow of the Rewilding Institute and a board member of Wild Arizona.