Jose Macchi
Geospatial developer. Independent contractor/services provider. +20 years of experience in diverse industries/verticals. Software engineer, with studies on Msc. GIS and Remote Sensing as specialization. Worked in different roles, positions, and companies, independently as much as an employee.
Get your preferred OSM dataset (ie. country) running in a local Geoserver instance with only 2 commands and avoid any dependence on an external provider.
Simple, fast, clean solution. Lowering the barrier to entry to geospatial technology use and development.
Docker-compose setup which assembles the necessary components to implement a Geoserver instance that publishes the OpenStreetMap (OSM) layers locally on a single host/machine (Postgis is required to store the OSM layers).
Instructions for this project are based on this repository OSM-Styles, but make a much simpler execution plan.
The steps and scripts are intended to run in the context of Linux, Mac and Windows environments.