Gabriel Roldan
Gabriel is a Java GIS Developer with over 20 years experience on the field, an
Open Source advocate since 1995 and a core committer to major Java GIS projects since 2003.
Born and raised in Argentina, emigrated to Spain in early 2002, where designed and constructed introductions of Free and Open Source GIS in different government agencies, hence developing the first versions of GeoServer's WMS.
Worked as a full-time OpenGeo/Boundless contractor for 11 years, excelling at several server side GIS
based projects, principally for the USA Defense and Intelligence community.
Joined Camptocamp in 2019, where past experience and the company’s culture formed the perfect synergy to give birth to the GeoServer Cloud project.
A typical GeoServer deployment involves exposing it as a front service to publish a number of layers directly to the internet, where a single instance, or even a couple, and an on-premise deployment model is enough.
Within larger companies though, more often than not GeoServer is a critical component of a more significant infrastructure, used to host tens of thousands of layers to accommodate organization requirements across various departments and workflows that involve several other systems, and complex cloud deployments.
These scenarios are where GeoServer Cloud shine, enabling devOps teams to set up clusters of GeoServer pods that are scalable, have improved resiliency, security, and resource utilization; and increased observability and integration with telemetry systems for monitoring, debugging, and tracing.
In this talk, we'll explore in depth how GeoServer Cloud achieves these goals, from technology and design choices to detailed overviews of technical improvements that were required, supported by success stories of current CampToCamp customers that got GeoServer Cloud in production.