Will Cadell
CEO & Founder of Sparkgeo, constantly amazed by my team. Usually spotted in airport lounges, hotel lobbies, or earning turns in BC, Canada.
Openness as a strategic advantage in modern geospatial
Will Cadell
In the last decade, 5 complementary assets have intersected, creating a series of new capabilities for our community. Modern geospatial did not exist even five years ago, and openness - the combination of open standards, open data all glued together with open source code is a key contributing factor.
This talk will present the case for openness being a competitive advantage for a modern, innovative technology company. We will discuss why we have been right all along, and why we will end up being even righter in the future. If you want a solid dose of confirmation bias, this is the talk for you!
State of software
UBT C / N109 - Second Floor