FOSS4G 2023

Vincent Sarago

Vincent is a geospatial developer at Development Seed. He builds open source tools, infrastructure and web interfaces that process and visualize geospatial data. The useable satellite interfaces he builds help break down the barrier to accessing and exploring Earth observation data.


Dynamic Tiling: From Cloud Optimized Raster to Map tiles
Vincent Sarago

Over the recent years, Cloud Optimized Raster format have gain popularity not only because they ease access but also because the enable fast visualisation of the data. During this talk I'll go over the principles of dynamic tiling and talk about the different cloud optimized raster format. I'll also present the latest news about TiTiler.

State of software
eoAPI - The Earth Observation API
Vincent Sarago

eoAPI is an open source project which aim to create a full Earth Observation API, combining STAC metadata API (stac-fastapi), a Raster dynamic tile service (TiTiler) and a Vector Tiles service (TiPg).

Using eoAPI AWS CDK template you're almost two command lines away of setting your own Earth Observation services.

State of software
UBT C / N110 - Second Floor
TiPg: a Simple and Fast OGC Features and Tiles API for PostGIS.
Vincent Sarago

Following the work we did with TiTiler (a python module which is designed to create Raster services), we decided to develop the same kind of project but for Vector. Using Postgres/PostGIS as datasource and FastAPI/Pydantic for the web framework, TiPG is a lightweight application which user can include into their own FastAPI application and easily customized.

During this session I'll go over the design principle of the TiPg python module and also show some of its great features.

State of software