FOSS4G 2023 workshops

Use Postgis Topology simplify/secure work with spatial data.
06-27, 14:00–16:00 (Europe/Tirane), UBT D / N113 - Second Floor

We will take look at this elements

Clean up Simple Feature datasets by using Postgis Topology

Use declarative methods to set up a client to edit Postgis Topology data

How do use QGIS to view Postgis Topology data

Copy a Postgis Topology from one database to another.

Some reasons why NIBIO are using Postgis Topology:
It solves problems we were not able to solve by sticking to Simple Feature only.
We are able to make very user friendly clients to update maps.

Sometimes I hear from people that say “it's so complicated to use Postgis Topology” and yes I must admit that is easier to start up using Simple feature then Postgis Topology.

So in this workshop we will try to help other people in to the Postgis Topology world. Together with/help from Sandro Santilli, NIBIO has made some simple tools to make it easier to use/show how you can use Postgis Topology for some tasks.

We will also look into the following tools
TopoViewer in

All tools like QGIS, Postgis Topology and pgtopo_update_gui works from windows, but some of the scrips we have made are only tested on Ubuntu/Mac. For those of you who run windows only, will then use the clients tools only and against test a environment that will be set up or you have to run it on your ovn docker environment.

Developer in SQL, Java and related tools for many years. Is working with projects like