FOSS4G 2023 workshops

OGC APIs, an introduction with GeoServer
06-26, 14:00–18:00 (Europe/Tirane), Lumbardhi

This workshop introduces OGC APIs, their story, their objectives and structure, with plenty of practical examples from the GeoServer implementations of such standards. Join this workshop to get an update on the APIs, as well as to learn the current implementation progress and learn some GeoServer unique features.

GeoServer is a web service for publishing your geospatial data using industry standards for vector, raster and mapping. It powers a number of open source projects like GeoNode and geOrchestra and it is widely used throughout the world by organizations to manage and disseminate data at scale.

This workshop will get your started with OGC APIs, and their implementation in GeoServer, covering:

An introduction to the common concepts in OGC APIs:
* The landing page of a service
* The OpenAPI definition of a service
* OGC API Features, the schemaless, vector data access service
* OGC API Styles, or how to access styles and eventually apply them client side
* OGC API Tiles, or how to get tiled data and images
* OGC API Map, or how to get maps in a given area and projection
* OGC API Coverages, downloading raw raster data

Open source enthusiast with strong experience in Java development and GIS. Personal interest range from high performance software, managing large data volumes, software testing and quality, spatial data analysis algorithms, map rendering.
Full time open source developer on GeoServer and GeoTools.
Received the Sol Katz's OSGeo award in 2017.

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Sw Engineer @GeoSolutions and GeoNode and other gis based platform core contributor

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