06-26, 09:00–13:00 (Europe/Tirane), UBT D / N113 - Second Floor
In this hands-on workshop participants will use the NASA-ESA-JAXA EO Dashboard and the Euro Data Cube to design, develop, describe and publish reproducible end-to-end workflows based on Earth Observation and other open geospatial data.
In this hands-on workshop participants will use the NASA-ESA-JAXA EO Dashboard (https://eodashboard.org) and the Euro Data Cube (https://eurodatacube.com) to design, develop, describe and publish reproducible end-to-end workflows based on Earth Observation and other open geospatial data. This is a second edition of the workshop (first edition took place at FOSS4G 2022 in Florence).
In particular, the objectives of the workshop are:
- To introduce the new features of the EO Dashboard.
- To update on the development of the EODASH open-source library.
- To enable participants to make use of the dashboard resources and to become contributors to the project
- To demonstrate the design and development of reproducible end-to-end workflows for environmental indicators based on EO Data in the Euro Data Cube
- To demonstrate how to package the end-to-end workflows into a story that can be published on EO Dashboard.
The exercises will be run in the EOxHub JupyterLab Workspace in the Euro Data Cube environment. Free access to the resources is ensured via the ESA Network of Resources sponsoring mechanism. Specific tutorial notebooks (python) and other material will be made readily available in the participants' workspace.
The tutorial is self contained and participants will be provided with the necessary information and support to run all exercises.
A basic level of knowledge is expected in the following fields:
- Earth Observation
- EO image analysis
- Statistics
- Python
Dr. Anca Anghelea is a technical officer in the Data Applications Division of the European Space Agency's Earth Observation Programme, Department of Science, Applications and Climate. Her work is focused on Open Digital Innovation for Earth Science and Applications.