FOSS4G 2023 workshops

David Youssefi

David Youssefi received the Electrical Engineering degree from the École Nationale Supérieure d’Electronique, Informatique, Télécommunications, Mathématique et Mécanique, Bordeaux, France. From 2013 to 2018, he was a Study Engineer at Communications et Systèmes, Toulouse, where he worked on remote sensing image processing especially in 3D processing. He is currently with the Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales (French Space Agency), Toulouse, as a Ground Segment Software Development Engineer, where he is responsible for software development for Pleiades and design for the future Earth Observation mission CO3D from CNES.


Discover CNES 3D open-source tools through a realistic scenario
Dubois Emmanuel, David Youssefi, Dimitri Lallement

This workshop will present a series of 3D open source tools from CNES (French space agency). We will start with two stereo satellite acquisitions and aim to produce a 3D change map. Our study case will be a part of the area affected by the 2020 Alex storm.

UBT C / N111 - Second Floor