08-25, 14:15–14:45 (Europe/Rome), Auditorium
Today Protected Areas only partly cover important sites for biodiversity and are not yet fully ecologically representative and effectively or equitably managed. Improvement of the existing networks and further expansion of conservation areas will therefore require well-defined baselines that are comparable across countries for actions prioritisation.
In recent years the availability of new earth observation imagery and advances in analysis and processing have significantly improved our capabilities in terms of mapping and monitoring biodiversity variables and ecosystem services. This event will introduce the Biodiversity Analyst, a web GIS tool, developed by the European Commission - Joint Research Centre, for identifying areas of potentially high conservation value based on the available datasets such as species distribution, ecosystems services and natural state.
The aim of the Biodiversity Analyst is to provide decision-makers with means to visualise and interact with the above datasets which are considered key for biodiversity conservation while allowing them at the same time to test different weighting schemes in terms of prioritisation to identify so-called "biodiversity hot-spots".
Geospatial Developer and Scientific Project Officer at European Commission - Joint Research Centre