08-25, 12:00–12:30 (Europe/Rome), Room 9
This talk will be about the art of beautiful digital cartography. Some of the features in Mapserver can contribute to making maps that stand out a little extra. We will focus on advanced line symbology, the layer composition pipeline and the newly added GEOMTRANSFORM "centerline".
Creating very complex line symbology can be tricky. We will go into detail about how to build such symbology. The layer composition pipeline offers many exciting possibilities. We will show various examples how to achieve some stunning symbology for different feature types. The geomtransform centerline function can produce beautiful labeling possibilities. My first experiences and lessons will be shared. Other things that could come up is possibilities with “Named Styles”
To summarize it will be a talk about some new features and some older features in MapServer that are described in more detail. The talk is based on practical experiments and real problems that the author has experienced.
Lars Schylberg is a senior technical fellow at Saab corporation. He has a MSc in Land Surveying and a PhD in digital cartography from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden. Throughout his carrier he has been involved with software development and international standardization.