08-24, 16:15–16:45 (Europe/Rome), Room Onice
More and more geospatial operations are happening in the cloud and often these processes are serverless. Whether your focus is on transportation logistics, agriculture, climate change analytics, or real estate; it is now possible to do geospatial computing in the cloud for both small and large projects.
With serverless cloud compute options for data storage, compute, and desktop; we can now host our entire infrastructure completely serverless. Let's review the current state of geospatial serverless cloud infrastructure by exploring a stack consisting of OGC publishing, QGIS Desktop for cartography and client-side processing, TiTiler tile server, STAC data catalog, and a combination of data storage options.
For OGC publishing, we'll review MapServer and Koop using Lambda plus API Gateway. Similarly TiTiler can also be built with Lambda and API Gateway. QGIS Desktop can now be run in the cloud through AWS Workspaces or AppStream. For our data storage, we can use a combination of S3, Aurora PostGIS, and Redshift.
Dave Bianco is a Sr Geospatial Architect at Amazon Web Services with over two decades experience building geospatial platforms. Based in San Francisco, his background specialties include data ETL pipelines, data storage, data management, and data access.