FOSS4G 2022 general tracks

Better productivity for QGIS plugin developers
08-26, 15:15–15:45 (Europe/Rome), Auditorium

Developing a plugin for QGIS is both as simple as one of the countless tutorials and as complicated as a software engineering job facing with the dynamism of the project (maintenance requirements), the size of the APIs and constraints that need to be taken into account (Windows, etc.).

At Oslandia, we create and maintain many plugins for our clients, which leads us to streamline their development... and especially their maintenance! Historically, many extensions were created using the amazing Plugin Builder and the underlying tool (pb_tool) but it no longer fit our needs.

We present here our QGIS Plugin Templater, based on Cookiecutter and the related work on developer tools (tests, documentation, code structure, formatting, linter...). We will also mention the other tools we are using or following closely (the 3Liz toolbelt, the other template from Gispo Coding...).

Yet Another Plugin Generator? Probably but we think it's worth it!

GIS enthusiast working at Oslandia as senior consultant and animating Geotribu, an independent French website dedicated to the promotion of geospatial open source software and initiatives.

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