08-24, 17:30–17:35 (Europe/Rome), Room Limonaia
Mapping is a private operations. It is done with several different local tools and usually by one person at a time. Yet we are used to have realtime multiuser editing of spreadsheets, documents and presentations. MUDraw tries to define a protocol to enable multiuser editing of features on a map and make it available as a library for both Leaflet as well as Maplibre (and enabling cross-library data editing) in order to make map editing a group activity. It relies on the client(s) and a server part written in Python/FastAPI that can be used independently from the infrastructure in which the communication is used and can set up a persistence layer taht is connected directly to github or other storage facilities.The idea of this tool is to be able to integrate it into UMap in order to make it a more fun to use tool, but also in a longer perspective, part of the Public History Toolkit OpenHistoryMap is developing.
Software Architect, Digital Humanist, History Buff, Boardgamer, Roleplayer. Oh, and geography and neocartography enthusiast. Co-founder of OpenHistoryMap, trying to create a timeline behind the current map of the world and trying to find killer applications for that.