08-24, 17:20–17:25 (Europe/Rome), Room 9
Taro Matsuzawa has been working for Georepublic for 10 years now. He has had experience in many open source communities since his student days, but had not yet joined the OSGeo community until he joined Georepublic. He is now a FOSS4G specialist and has presented at FOSS4G conferences in Japan.
For a ten years he has been a committer for OpenMapTiles and several OpenSource projects, and has contributed more than 20 projects to Japanese companies and municipalities. In this issue, he would like to share some of the insights he has gained from his work and the OSS community.
I will mainly talk about the basics and applications of Game Tile[1] technology, a small-scale map solution using pgRouting[2], and Python3 support for the ckanext-spatial plugin[3].
Born in 1981.
Graduated from Tokyo Denki University.
Started playing with Linux when he was in high school, and became active in the OpenSource community in Japan during his college years. At the time, he was the leader of Mozilla's Japanese community.
He joined Georepublic in 2012, and since then he has been active as a staff member and presenter at the FOSS4G conference in Japan and State of the Map 2017.
His hobbies are breakcore and tile making.