FOSS4G 2022 general tracks

QGIS Temporal Controller with WMS-T layers
08-25, 14:45–15:15 (Europe/Rome), Room 4

QGIS is a freely downloadable open source GIS software suite that contains a desktop option, mobile, and web component. QGIS is free to download and use, it is released with a GPL v3 license which is a non commercial license allowing users to download and use it without concerns compared to other commercial GIS software.
Up to QGIS version 3.12 there was no core support for temporal data, users were required to install a plugin called TimeManager in order to visualize temporal data inside QGIS. Through a collaboration between the Canadadian Government, Kartoza and North Road, efforts were made to add core support for temporal data inside QGIS.
As a result the QGIS version 3.14 was released with a Temporal Controller feature which was now responsible for handling all the temporal layers inside QGIS. The initial role out of the Temporal Controller contained support for raster, vector and WMS-T layer providers.
This session will explore how to use the QGIS Temporal Controller to do animation and visualization of the WMS-T layers, this will include how to setup a standard WMS server that will be serving time based layers.
In the session we will also learn about the Temporal Controller API, how to use it through QGIS python bindings and create a simple QGIS plugin that will show the API in action.

I'm a software developer currently living in Dar es salaam, Tanzania. I hold a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science with Statistics. I have been working in software development since 2015, building web applications and plugins for QGIS. I have been an active contributor to OpenStreetMap and have published or participated in various geospatially related Open Source projects.

I'm passionate about software and always striving to improve my software development skills. In my free time I play board games, especially a Tanzanian version of checkers.

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