08-22, 09:00–11:00 (Europe/Rome), University Auditorium A
A Mapathon is a coordinated mapping event, specially connected to the OpenStreetMap projecy. It is often held inside (armchair mapping) but can also be an outside or combined activity. People will join all together in a place, or online, where they can improve OpenStreetMap data, usually working together on a emergency project provided by HOT Tasking manager
A Mapathon is a great opportunity for volunteers to digitally connect and create urgently needed data for communities around the world so that local and international decision-makers can use these maps and data to better respond to crises affecting these areas. Up-to-date maps are important for the success of many humanitarian initiatives around the world in responding to disasters as soon as possible, it help to save lifes.
This Mapathon will be held in Firenze the 23 August 2022 and it is co-organized by HOT, OSGeo, OSM Foundation, Youth Mappers.