08-25, 15:30–15:35 (Europe/Rome), Modulo 0
Mapping is time-consuming and requires a high volume of a workforce when it comes to keep maps up to date periodically. This brings the need of finding alternative approaches to keep maps up to date. Mobile mapping is the process of collecting geospatial data from a mobile vehicle using a 360º camera, laser scanner, GPS/IMU positioning system, and other sensors.
Many devices now include a geotag for every photo captured, and GPS accuracy can have major effects on the quality of street-level imagery and derived data. Join us in an exploration of the different accuracy levels of GPS-enabled cameras, where we will take a look at how different devices compare, and what varied levels of GPS accuracy look like both for image location and for data extracted using computer vision and structure from motion.
Understanding the differences between devices is an important step in planning street-level imagery capture, as it will align your expectations with the advantages and limitations of the hardware you use. We tested various devices and will share the results of our investigation, with the aim of equipping you to capture street-level imagery with the tools and methods that fit your needs.
Christopher Beddow is map analyst focusing on Mapillary and OpenStreetMap at Meta Reality Labs. He has worked on the OSM, GIS, and map data products at Mapillary since 2016. He codes in Python, SQL, and JavaScript, and enjoys traveling widely while editing OpenStreetMap. Chris lives in Switzerland and enjoys meeting people from every corner of the global FOSS4G and mapping community.
Said is the Community Project Manager at Map Building team/Meta. Said supports Meta’s Mapillary and OpenStreetMap community activities across the globe. Said is Geomatic Engineer and has a Master's degree in Geomatics Engineering from Istanbul Technical University. He is originally from Turkey and now lives in Italy. He is active in building the OpenStreetMap community in Turkey and interested in mapping POIs and its accessibilities.
I first got involved in mapping when I joined Mapillary in 2015, but my love of maps started long before that. In fact it started when I was gifted a Dorling Kindersley geographic atlas as a kid. Since then I've been fascinated by maps and the way they help us understand the world.
Mapillary is now part of Meta, and I work as a Program Manager, supporting groups and individuals utilising street-level imagery to solve geospatial problems.
I chaired OSGeo Oceania in 2021, serve as a Director on the OSGeo Oceania Board, and have helped to organise OSGeo Oceania conferences since 2018. I also contribute regularly to OpenStreetMap.