Ilya Zverev
Member of OpenStreetMap project since 2010, editor of the russian news blog SHTOSM, author of several OSM-related articles, had spoken at many conferences and developed some tools for editing and processing OSM data. Currently working at Wheely.
OpenStreetMap editing transitions to mobile devices. There are few editing apps, and the best ones are thematical. This year I've published "Every Door": an app specifically designed to collect hundreds of shops and amenities. I've made it with the experience of mapping in OSM, making a Telegram bot of a similar purpose, and studying geospatial UX design. I've surveyed half a thousand amenities with the bot, and even more — with this new app.
In this talk we'll briefly touch on the app itself and the OSM tagging model. The main attraction would be map UX design: why you should remove the most interactivity from your maps. These are hard to use even on desktop, and a small screen provides an even bigger challenge. Can we get rid of them altogether? Let's see how working with maps can be made efficient, and how the ideas behind this app can make geodata collection apps better.