FOSS4G 2022 general tracks

Ashish Kumar

  • Computer Science and Engineering Graduate from IIT (BHU) Varanasi, India.
  • pgRouting Developer since 2020.
  • OSGeo GSoC Contributor (pgRouting), 2020 and 2021.
  • OSGeo Charter Member since 2021.
  • OSGeo GSoC Org Admin and pgRouting Mentor, 2022.


Google Summer of Code with OSGeo
Ashish Kumar, Rajat Shinde, Rahul Chauhan

OSGeo's Google Summer of Code Initiative has been an inspiring and motivating platform for new contributors to join the OSGeo projects, community projects, guest projects, and incubating projects. In 2022, OSGeo is participating for the 16th year in the Google Summer of Code, and it itself is a great achievement. With this talk, the OSGeo GSoC Administrators shall try to put forth the importance of GSoC with respect to the students and participating projects. The admins would focus on the development of projects with GSoC and encourage projects to be a part of the upcoming GSoC.

Over the years, OSGeo's Google Summer of Code initiative has transformed into an initiative full of contributions towards geospatial software development. In the last 16 years, many OSGeo projects comprising incubating projects, community projects, and guest projects have progressed attributed to the contributions of student developers. Some of these contributors continue to participate as contributors for the projects and went on to take mentoring and organizing responsibilities. This is a true sense of FOSS4G in terms of the individual and collective growth of the developers and the OSGeo community. In this talk, the OSGeo GSoC Admins team would try to appreciate the efforts of all the mentors and students involved till now and present the state of the GSoC 2022. The Admins would also present possibilities for new projects to be part of the GSoC with OSGeo as an umbrella organization.

Transition to FOSS4G
Room 9
Location-based scheduling of VRP tasks using pg_scheduleserv
Ashish Kumar

Vehicle Routing Problems (VRP) are a class of combinatorial optimization problems whose purpose is to design an optimal route for a fleet of vehicles, serving a set of customers, along with satisfying certain constraints. They are NP-complete (non-deterministic polynomial) and have been a challenging problem ever since.

pg_scheduleserv offers an API-based solution for solving scheduling problems without the need to be an expert in algorithms or databases. It is a RESTful API written in Go, built on top of vrpRouting. It uses VROOM as the schedule optimization engine to increase operational efficiency in location-based processes.

pg_scheduleserv lets you create jobs, shipments, or vehicles in the database by posting JSON objects through HTTP requests. It enables you to obtain the optimized schedule either as a JSON object or in iCal format so that the generated results can be directly used in your calendar applications.

pg_scheduleserv is easy to use and set up. By providing an API-based solution, it can be integrated into existing applications. In this talk, we present pg_scheduleserv along with a simple demo application to demonstrate its efficiency and simplicity of usage.

State of software
General online
Are you lost? Get pgRouting to find your way
Vicky Vergara, Ashish Kumar

pgRouting not only allows to get routes for any kind of transportation, from 0 wheels to 18 wheeler.
A road is closed? Calculate how can traffic be diverted.
Don't get a result? Check if your graph is connected.
Need to deliver to several clients? Traveling Salesperson problem helps to determine the route.
Find out what is planned for version 4.0 that is a work in progress.
Learn about the spin off for vehicle routing problems.
pgRouting extends the PostGIS / PostgreSQL geospatial database to provide geospatial routing functionality.
Advantages of the database routing approach are:
* Data and attributes can be modified by many clients, like QGIS through JDBC, ODBC, or directly using Pl/pgSQL. The clients can either be PCs or mobile devices.
* Data changes can be reflected instantaneously through the routing engine.
* The “cost” parameter can be dynamically calculated through SQL and its value can come from multiple fields or tables.

State of software
Room Verde