FOSS4G 2022 general tracks

Admire Nyakudya

Admire Nyakudya has been working in the geospatial industry since 2009. He graduated with a BSC Hons in Applied remote sensing and GIS from the University of Fort Hare in 2009. Admire has since acquired vast knowledge in Open Source GIS through his work at Afrispatial and Kartoza. He is an integral part of the GIS team where he heads up our training work and applies his knowledge on Open Source GIS to help our clients solve a wide range of geospatial problems.


SagtaMapDownloader - A guide on how QGIS and QGIS Server is being used to assist teachers and students in learning Geography in the classroom
Admire Nyakudya

The SagtaMapdownloader is an online tool that allows teachers to teach GIS concepts that are part of the curriculum in South Africa. This tool bridges the gap for students and teachers in their journey to become GIS specialists. This session will walk users in exploring how QGIS and QGIS Server are used to give an in-depth understanding of all map work that students are tested for during national exams. The map downloader allows geography students to explore and interact with different types of maps namely hybrid, topographic and orthophoto maps. Other tools that are available for exploration include the ability to print maps with magnetic declination for each map series, the ability to create profiles using elevation data available on the system. The session will walk users in the architecture behind the map downloader and how it will be improved in future iteration as the needs of teacher/students changes

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