Fabio Giannetti
Geologist, remote sensing specialist is responsible of the GIS, remote sensing and ICT laboratory at IPLA , public company providing technical support to the Piemonte Region in environmental field with specific reference to agro-forest sector
Chestnut stands in Piemonte are presently suffering a severe decline due to the concurrence of climatic and silvicultural factors. A project funded by Piemonte region involving the Regional Chestnut Centre and IPLA S.p.A. started in 2018 with the aim of defining technical guidelines for proper interventions in declining stands. The present contribution deals with the activities of spatial monitoring of declining areas through satellite images interpretation and GIS analysis making use of QGIS and Grass tools. Methodological approach was based on the selection of Sentinel 2A e 2B images taken at the beginning and at the end of the summer season in 2017, 2018 e 2019 on a test area. Those images were then processed calculating some indexes with raster functions implemented in QGIS. NDWI Normalized Difference Water Index (B8-B12/B8+B12) resulted the more sensible to the presence of declining stands
Accurate mapping of areas suffering different degree of damages on the whole Region was then carried out starting from a preliminary analysis of experimental parcels surveyed on the field.