FOSS4G 2022 general tracks

Joshua Ogure

Joshua Ogure, is the general manager for Map Kibera Trust. Josh has a wide range of experience working in the informal settlements of Nairobi. He has led the team towards a successful project dubbed Open Schools Kenya. ( He strive to make the invisible visible using data and journalism for change and advocacy. Josh won an Open Data award with Map Kibera under the Social Impact category. In 2018 /2019 in collaboration with World Bank Josh led another successful Participatory Budgeting mapping project with Four Counties in Kenya. He recently was a warded by States Department for the successful completion of the C2M2 Nairobi Covid Mitigation. project.


Map Kibera Mapping Counties on OpenStreetMap
Joshua Ogure

The talk will focus on how Map Kibera has empowered different Counties in Kenya to Map their projects using Open Street Map, Kobo collect and ODK. During the exercise Map Kibera collaborated with World Bank to produce large maps that are used during the participatory budgeting meetings for members of the community to decide the projects they want implemented. Map Kibera's approach is to empower the youth and some selected County officials with new mapping skills and methodologies. Members of the community are then able to make informed decisions by seeing what they already have and what might be missing. Map Kibera also helped the Four selected counties to develop a website that shows the status and the budget allocation for each and every project mapped. This helps promote transparency and accountability within the counties. Before the mapping happened, people would be asked to propose what project they wanted but it became hard without knowing what was already in existence. Now they can tell, We have a hospital we want a school for example.

Open Data