Seth Girvin
Member of the MapServer PSC, OSGeo Charter Member, and Ireland's OSGeo Chapter
MapServer is one of the founding OSGeo projects, and is used for publishing spatial data and interactive mapping applications to the web [1].
This talk provides an overview of new developments for existing users, and to show the potential of MapServer for those yet to try the software.
We'll review migrating to the new MapServer 8.0 release [2], using the new OGC API, highlighting lesser-known features, optimizing performance, and reporting news from the MapServer ecosystem.
MapScript [3], a scripting interface to MapServer provided in several languages such as Python, PHP, and C#, will also be covered.
This talk will give an overview of current and planned development for MapServer and its related project MapCache, a tile server that speeds up access to map layers [4].
Finally, we'll look at how to become involved in the MapServer community both as a user and as a developer.
Compass Informatics [1] is pleased to announce the open sourcing of its routing library Wayfarer [2][3].
Wayfarer is a pure Python library that allows spatial features to be loaded into a NetworkX [4] network format. Once in this format the data can be manipulated and analysed using the huge range of graph algorithms in NetworkX.
The Wayfarer library provides a number of helper functions for example to calculate routes, split edges, find ends of paths, and retrieve features by keys.
The talk will outline the use cases for the library, and when it may be suitable to use rather than alternatives such as pgRouting. Case studies will be presented including Wayfarer’s use in Ireland's Pavement Management System to help designate works and surveys on the road network. Wayfarer is also currently used for an Environmental Protection Agency project to create fully connected river networks in Ireland.