Juiwen Chang
Research scientist at HCU since 2017. Has worked at German Aerospace Center, Hampshire county council in UK. Finished master of science in GIS at the University of Edinburgh in year 2013.
Originally come from Taiwan.
Research interests: GIS, Data engineering, Remote Sensing
Won the academic bursary in UK FOSS4G 2013, and has started her open source journey ever since.
TOSCA, also known as Toolkit for Open and Sustainable City planning and Analysis, was implemented by the Digital City Science group at Hafencity University Hamburg (HCU) as a joint venture with the German Association for International Cooperation (GIZ). The project – which has won the Hamburg Open Science Award in year 2020 –works very closely together with academic and local governments in India and Ecuador in order to develop use cases in the context of urban upgrading, disaster prevention, and participatory planning. The WebGIS application uses modern state-of-the art technologies like Docker, View.js, PyWPS, GrassGIS and Geoserver. The source code of the open source solution is hosted on Git repo. Moreover, user and admin manuals plus several step-by-step video tutorials were uploaded on the Vimeo video portal. In terms of analysis functionalities, TOSCA is equipped with buffer area, time map (service area analysis), query module (filter by categorical and numeric attributes) and volcanic eruption scenario analysis (equivalent with intersect: select features by geolocation).
This project has been successfully implemented in India and Ecuador since October 2019. It supports investigations not only in regards to Indian slum upgrading issues, but also volcanic disaster mapping challenges in Ecuador. Further applications of TOSCA in Palestine has been kick-start in May this year. TOSCA can be deployed on multi-touch table or on virtual machine - through cloud hosting, and is designed for usage by non-GIS specialists. It targets diverse user groups ranging from local citizen to experts, the former implying participatory workshops and the later focusing on urban scenarios decision-making processes.
TOSCA Git Repo: https://github.com/digitalcityscience/TOSCA
Vimeo Tutorial Site: https://vimeo.com/user127753830
In order to promote the TOSCA Toolkit further, we encourage developers co-work with us to further develop on modules of the Toolkit.